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..... I'll be calling P@ up to deliver me some McOz burgers....

I'm generally available between 10:45 and 10:47 am, you call anytime there and I'm happy to help

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  • I <3 Floods
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Haha same problem as me MS.. Yesty wasn't Bad.. But today I didn't want to leave the room.. My complete food intake consisted of a tub of yoghurt the missus didn't want.. One muesli bar.. And about half a pack of chick crimpies spaced out between 5am and now.. About to leave mrs and bub and drive home for a kip.. Wife will sleep better without me rolling around on a camp bed next to her and bubs about to go back to special care..

Truthfully this whole pregnancy thing didn't really hit home with me until the baby popped out., once it did it would've taken a group of doctors a lot bigger then the one they had to get me out of the nursery while they were checking his breathing..

Vacuum removal looks friggin brutal too.. And as much as you say 'I'm staying at the head end of the bed'.. You're gonna end up at the business end a lot..

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Congrats bud I found it the single worst time of my life followed by the best .... Bitter sweet long labour's

So who said deep fried placenta ?

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My missus needed the epi - she was struggling. Admittedly it did add 2hrs to the process but at least they were calm hours.

Congrats, my first Jax was born October last year and it definately was the biggest life changing moment I have ever been through

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there aint NO WAY im going down the business end.... ill be hanging up with fiona the WHOLE time!!!!! hopefully she will be squeezing my hand so tight I wont be able to let go...?!!!

Ive heard sometimes you get offered a mirror? Umm, pass....

Oh and P@, we will be at L-Pool private, just down the road from you! Cheers for the offer, you know id do it for you.

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  • I <3 Floods
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Thanks guys.. Oh MS I hate to burst your bubble but once she's laying in bed propped upright.. With a drip hanging from a stand on one side and a CTG machine hooked up on the other..

Even holding her hand you're only peripheral vision away from being at the business end of things.

Admittedly I was man enough to avert my gaze and focus on wifeys eyes during crowning.. I managed to also miss the placenta but I still saw bub getting pulled out..

Also.. To the guys that have been there and the ones about to...

Holy crap.. Ignore ante-natal classes.. Husband has two roles during the birthing:

1 - You are the stress ball.. You'll get squeezed, whacked and grabbed however she seems to think is suitable.. This is directly proportionate to the strength of the contraction.

2 - No guy wants to be this.. Especially me.. I am the bloke who always takes control of a situation and works through it.. Not this time.. The Husband is the most useless thing in the room during birth!! Even the box of tissues is more important then you..

Also don't ever think that your wife is weak.. When she's in the middle of a contraction that goes off the frikkin chart and didn't get on the gas early enough, she will crush your knuckles like a handshake with a pair of vice grips..

Anyways I decided to include a picture of baby panda...

But it won't let me cause of some IMg extension thing from photo bucket.

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damn you photobucket!

sounds like youre exactly like me SIP, I like to take control of a situation, and work chit out.... ill know ill struggle if fiona is screaming in pain and I can do nothing about it..... that will be very frustrating.

im starting to think of bad chit that could go down, especially after hearing that mini SIP arrived not breathing.... I reckon id lose my chit. just hope if anything does happen it will all be so quick I wont know where to look or what to do. you know, unfamiliar happenings and surroundings n stuff.

im very relieved that tonight is my last shift for 2 months. 5 hours to go, then I can at least look after getting her to hospital!

great to hear from you SIP, cheers for all the info and comments, look forward to piks.

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I was lucky my partner had a c section! So I wasn't getting bashed or screamed at lol

they asked if I wanted to watch..... I said yeah. I was having a blast watching them work clamping body parts and splashing blood on the floor then BAM nek minit 10 doctors rush over to me and leave her on the table alone opened up, I passed out like a little boy, don't no what hit me but I thought I could handle it. I was disappointed as I wanted to watch natural birth but due to complications and being 10 weeks early that wasn't the case. On the bright side no stretching if you catch my drift :P

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