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2256.. Those aren't lesbians.. They are butch women pretending to be gay men..


What I don't understand is why do gay men try to be like girls but gay women try to be like blokes.

Probably don't want to understand it either.

Edited by Paulie2256
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Guest XR09
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What crap have you been through to give you this impression of women? It makes me sad. maybe its because im still young, but despite everything I've been through with my exes, and their bullsh*t, I still believe there are decent guys out there. That there is one who will make me happy, and vice versa.

Divorced wifey ten years ago after her has been:

#1 tore my heart out. Enough to make me leave the state and go work in Melb...yuck. Oh and met her first husband in Melb.... we had fun meeting up with her and her lies. He hadn't seen his kids in the sevens years since she ran away.

#2. Fi fi.....need I say more

#3 just spent about three weeks telling me of my self destructive nature... that's ok I knew the truth the first night. Kinda made out she was a bit holier than thou.

Funny she didn't say much when my best friend...who is an X bank robber and heroin dealer walked in the door and recognised her strait away..........

Woulda just been easier to say hey I was a hammer and cant be round nothing.

Then again she knocked over a bottle of wine a night...but that's ok....

This besides the hundreds filtered before a date..... And no it's not just woman....but geez so for so many it's just all about them. They have missed somehting and we are meant to get it...I could do that if they knew WTF it was...cause I do..... so many walllow in their own crap and delusions...men and woman

Hate gunna's with a passion

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