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I dont expect anyone to read the entire lot of this, but if you do you must be as bored as me, so please feel free to post up a similar long-winded post of crapola

Peace out Guys :pinch:

Oh and if this post contains too much crap please feel free to move or delete it :finger: <<jokes

:spit: I read it all (twice)

is that all you have say :B):

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  • Member For: 20y 3m 14d
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  • Location: North of The Bridge

well done xr500 that is the funniest f*cking post I have read in a LOOONG time.. I have sympathy for you and your finger but not for the 9 weeks off work ya *beep*!

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  • Member For: 19y 2m 19d
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Yeah facebook attracts freaks, we have this bloke at work who is friends with all the hot little waitresses on facebook and he always says to them "hey nice photos of you and your friends on the beach...." eewwww!!! It freaks me out that others can watch you in that much detail, if you update your facebook daily they dont even need to speak to you to know what you have been doing.

Stalkers, freaks, pedos and such scum must love it!!!

I accepted a friend request from this bloke I hadnt seen in ten years, he sent me this long winded message about all the fun times from way back when :pinch: and then the next week I was at a hotrod show and ran into him, I tried to have a conversation, but he just stood there like retard!! I got home and deleted him as a friend on facebook cause I thought what the f#&k is the point of having a friend on some crap social networking site that you cant even hold a conversation with face to face??

The only thing its good for is communicating with people in different states and countries, if you cant even be bothered making time to speak to friend in the same city or town you dont friggin' deserve to have friends in my eyes!!!

Anyway I think my idea of Hatebook would be more useful, being able to tell someone you hate them without the physical confrontation sounds good to me hahaha.

Its surprisingly hard telling someone you dont like them without some kind of physical retribution, which unless your a boxer or just a psycho you love, no offense to boxers....... but I dont like getting punched in the face and I think anyone that does has something a bit wrong in their head??

Well there you go Phantomchic hope that will tie you over for a little while..........??

And to any lovers of facebook or boxers please feel free to punch each other in the facebook!!!!!

Edited by xr0500
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  • Member For: 20y 3m 14d
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  • Location: North of The Bridge

see xr that is the facinating thing with facebook, the friends I have on facebook I generally do not see much, I have friends from school a few from here and a few friends of friends of my friends on facebook I see about a dozen weekly another dozen monthly and the rest of them I have no real interest in ever meeting again bar for a 20 year reunioun, but for me the interesting part of facebook is discovering the wierd connections that our circle of friends revolve around for instance just the other day I discovered that a "friend" (person A) off this site who I dont think I have spoken much and never actually met.. who happenes tp lives on the other side of the country is friends with a person (person B) now person B knows a group of my friends that I went to school with it is the old 6 degrees of seperation at work and it makes you wonder how that one random person could potentially bring 2 completely and utterly different groups of people together

another interesting one was a rather interesting guy who I met some time ago who is by 1 degree of seperation conected on multiple instances to a girl who I hooked up with several years ago whilst on holidays. now these two people have probably never met, and had you of asked me earlier if these two people would know each other I would have said no, yet they share atleast 5 friends that I am aware of (thanks to the people you may know tool) that is kinda freaky to know, yet at the same way facinating

school friends are one of the best things about facebook, no longer do we have to wait 20 years to see that the "cool" guy from school who always got the girls.. has turned bald and fat and has no love life, we now get to watch that happen, and that in itself makes facebook worthwile

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  • Member For: 19y 2m 19d
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  • Location: Hobart, TAS
no longer do we have to wait 20 years to see that the "cool" guy from school who always got the girls.. has turned bald and fat and has no love life, we now get to watch that happen, and that in itself makes facebook worthwile

LMAO :beerchug: Agreed, that does make it worthwhile....

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