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The Off Topic Thread.


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  • Member For: 19y 2m 19d
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Just posting up some random thoughts, just letting you all know just how absolutely, undeniably and incomprehensibly bored I am hahaha.

It probably started about 9 weeks ago when I was really drunk and smashed my finger in my bedroom door having a fight with my girlfriend, didnt think the injury was too bad until I looked at it....basically I had severed the entire tip of my middle right hand finger to the point that it was hanging on by just the tendons, so went down to the hospital and they temporarily stitched it up. While I was laying there getting the stitches I had the thought that this could potentially be the worst hand over of my life, but when I woke up the next morning I felt......GREAT, not just good but better than I had in years, you know that kind of wake up when you were 7 and it was Christmas morning and every minute seemed to get better?? Yeah like that, plus a bandaged finger that I couldnt feel because of the amount of drugs that the nurse had pumped into me the previous night, so whatever she had given me was effectively a hangover cure, so dont let them tell you that there isnt a hangover cure because there is, I have had it!!! I dont know what is, but the only reason I can think of why it isnt realesed is that it would most likely promote excessive drinking without any side effects, hahaha, can you imagine it? Every night, everybody afterwork would be smashed and then back at work the next day fresh as daisy's!!!!

I got side tracked......so the next day went back to hospital and had plastic surgery on my finger, had a metal pin inserted through the first two joints that had been smashed in to three pieces.

Im right handed and a Chef by trade, the first thing that the doctor said I couldnt do was get the finger wet which is a massive part of my job so that was that, I was told that I couldnt work for 6-8 weeks. Luckily I had 5 weeks of sick pay owing and 8 weeks of holidays, so I was set for cash while I was off.

Now im not complaining about having two months off, but there gets a point where you have reached the limit of all the things that you dream that you could do if you had two paid moths off work to sit at home, organize the last five financial years receipts, get drunk in the morning and watch Kerri-Anne, harass the postman, alphabetize all 2000 of you cd's and dvd's, dust the pelmets, fluff the doilies, washup once, set up a fish tank with $700 worth of discus or buy a XR6 turbo (a little bit too on topic, sorry).

I would post up some picture of the mangled finger but im not sure of the forums rules on posting pictures of medical grossities??????

So the finger smashing was nine weeks ago.............and here I am...

Its boring without full speed internet!!

There are only so many episodes of family guy I can watch in a row.....cant even jump from pointless video to pointless video on youtube.

And Facebook hurts my head because everybody loves everybody else abit too much, I wish there was the opposite of facebook out there somewhere, Hatebook, where you kept in contact with the people that you hated so you could tell the on a daily basis just how much you hated them and everything about them. I dont know about everyone else but that would entertain me for a few hours a night.

Sorry to write this pointless dribble but my girlfriend is at work and my wife is at home..........

The only television that entertains me at the moment is either Spicks and Speks and that just finished for the night or that new ABC show Review, its at 9:30 on thursdays ABC2, if you havent seen it I recommend, GET AROUND IT!!!!

Well this is about as off topic as it gets, hope this adds something to this thread...

Oh and can I just say that if we win the 20million on the 1st lets all get together and hire the fastest most expensive cars we can get our hands on, buy some camera and sound gear and produce our own TopGear Australia because honestly I really dont think Clarkson would approve of playing friggin' bowls with ASTRAS!!! GOD HELP TOPGEAR AUSTRALIA

I dont expect anyone to read the entire lot of this, but if you do you must be as bored as me, so please feel free to post up a similar long-winded post of crapola

Peace out Guys :rolleyes:

Oh and if this post contains too much crap please feel free to move or delete it :bowdown: <<jokes

Edited by xr0500
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  • Donating Members
  • Member For: 19y 2m 19d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Hobart, TAS
No I'm just worried about how superdan will react...you're encroaching on his territory there! :B):

Haha, well bring it on!!! There is plenty more where that came from..... :pinch:

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