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The Off Topic Thread.


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  • Still have a turbo, it's just on a diesel.
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Hello Hobbits ... just passing by, thought I'd say G'Day.

Pretty sure most of you won't know who the hell I am, and that's probably for the best. I once frequented these illustrious pages and at that time it was a true community. I hope nothing's changed?

Lots of unfamiliar names and lots of new forums, that's got to be a good thing.

For those old war-horses that remain, thought I'd let you know that SWMBO and I are now living in Vancouver, Canada and having a ball. I would recommend an international re-location to anyone, anytime ... you only live once, after all.

All the best my (old) comrades in arms

Cheers, Ken.


(felt so good typing that again.)

So the gray nomad returns :k24t: , You where almost becoming the bogyman that we scared the young'uns with.

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  • Just because it is, doesn't mean it should be.....
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Bugger....are you sure "they" know what they're talking about though? :k24t:

You'd think they'd pull it off and check it out straight away :hiall:

pretty sure that's how they came to the conclusion since the diagnostics wouldn't work on "him", but didn't have a spare lying about coz they come from Garrett.

hopefully will get specifics on wed.

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