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  • Gandalf the Grey, Maiar of Manwë and Varda, Team HgAg/Sneaky
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Sometimes it just makes me sooooo proud to see the discussion topics that pop up in this thread. :roflmbo:

Well done people, keep up the good work ... or housework, whatever the case may be.


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Just stay away from handbags/manbags and you won't quite reach tranny status then :roflmbo:

that's it then. I may aswell chop me cods off! I have a lurvley manbag, actually one of those things the uni students use.

But as you know, with kids you need to bring bribes, wipes etc etc along, and they just don't fit in my pockets. I also hate my ciggies getting squashed flat in my pockets.

And Ken, if your in Melbourne one day, come on over for a roast, actually having one tonight! YUMYUM

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Yum I can smell it from here :w00t2: Make sure you get those spuds nice and crisp, what about the white sauce for the cauli?????

I think we should start up a "Recipe Club" ...you know a semi Forum within the Forum :roflmbo: I'll give you my secret crab soup recipe for a fair swap :bum:

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  • loitering with intent
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You and you're mate asked why the "third person"..... because guess what!!!Yep you got it :bum:

She is gorgeous and would NEVER speak out - So all the acid comments from the others belong squarely with me :roflmbo:

So, if SHE is gorgeous , how do YOU compare :w00t2:

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Yum I can smell it from here :w00t2:  Make sure you get those spuds nice and crisp, what about the white sauce for the cauli?????

I think we should start up a "Recipe Club" ...you know a semi Forum within the Forum :roflmbo:  I'll give you my secret crab soup recipe for a fair swap :bum:

NUP! No seafood for me. Can't stand the stuff. Red meat and Chooken.

I have a top recipe for Gnocchi and Veal ragout. Might do that tommorrow night. And b4 you ask, it is homemade gnocchi, I hate that packet/store bought sh*t. Tastes like rubber and has the texture of it too.

4 potatoes, waxy variety

small amount of flour

3 egg yolks

parmesan cheese (made in Italy ofcourse)

and 1/3 of small tub ricotta cheese (optional)

Cook the pots till they are soft, and mash them through a strainer, or one of those old fashioned mashers with the twirly whirly handle, can't think of it's name. By doing this the pots are fully mashed with no lumps. Let it cool a little so you don't cook the yolks when you add them.

Add yolks, 60grams of finely grated parmesan, and riccota cheese.

Mix well with your hands and then turn out onto a well floured bench. Mix with enough flour so it holds together.

Roll into sausages as thick as your thumb, then cut them about 3/4inch long. If you feel like it, roll the back of a fork over each one, this helps to hold the sauce onto the gnocchi. Or find a wooden basket or the like, and roll them over this, and create the indentations this way.

When cooking it, only cook a handful at a time, so the water doesn't go too cold. When the gnocchi float to the top, remove them with a slotted spoon and place them in a baking tray that has melted butter and put in a very low oven and repeat until all the gnocchi cooked. Make sure that you move the gnocchi in the tray around, so it is all covered with butter, and therefor won't dry out.

Add your favorite sauce and enjoy.

Edited by ENVY-T
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Aaaah now I understand the phone call.... :biglaugh: ....note to others dont speak to Envy once he has a few Stroh's under the belt..... :tease:

Ya'll make it just way to hard .....what's wrong with the old dial number wait for door bell pay and eat.


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Aaaah now I understand the phone call.... :biglaugh: ....note to others dont speak to Envy once he has a few Stroh's under the belt..... :tease:

Ya'll make it just way to hard .....what's wrong with the old dial number wait for door bell pay and eat.


Cos it usally taste like sh*t! :blush:

Pizza is fine delivered, anything else turns to sh*t in the front seat of a pimply faced kids car!

Oh and it wasn't STROH this time, I am up to 6 Stellas with another 6 to go! mmmmm beer, real beer!

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Hey just ask Shaz 'n' tab they'll atest to the quality of my culinary dailing skill's after the cordon blurgggg banquet they 'enjoyed' at Che'Daga.... :biglaugh:

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Well there goes no.7 and no.8 stellas. And I checked the fridge, still have 6 Stellas and 4 Becks left.mmmm could be a long night!!!

And after checking the progress of my roast, I discovered my 3 yr old son had turned the F ucken oven off, and now have to wait atleast 1/2 hr before dinner! :biglaugh:

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