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The Off Topic Thread.


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  • Sucker
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After reading a mod's comments on a (now closed) thread, I've decided that I'm going to make a conscious effort to limit my hijacking. I agree with the mod that the (aforementioned) thread was full of crap and really didn't add any value to the site.


Someone copped a few to many paintshells in the head hey!!!


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  • I don't suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it
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After reading a mod's comments on a (now closed) thread, I've decided that I'm going to make a conscious effort to limit my hijacking. I agree with the mod that the (aforementioned) thread was full of crap and really didn't add any value to the site.


Hmmm, something definitely in the air today.

Certainly wasn't rain though, was it Ken? :lol:

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  • Gandalf the Grey, Maiar of Manwë and Varda, Team HgAg/Sneaky
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After reading a mod's comments on a (now closed) thread, I've decided that I'm going to make a conscious effort to limit my hijacking. I agree with the mod that the (aforementioned) thread was full of crap and really didn't add any value to the site.

Someone copped a few to many paintshells in the head hey!!!


I'm actually quite serious about this ... the owners/organisers/admins/mods of this site have invested large amounts of blood, sweat and tears to deliver a community that we all share. :gooff:

I think we owe it to them to do the best we can to support and grow the site. If this means that there should be less crap, then I agree and will try to do my bit.

Not sure how the hell I'm going to get to 5000 posts though? :spoton: Certainly won't be by discussing cars! :nono:


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  • Former XT pilot
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After reading a mod's comments on a (now closed) thread, I've decided that I'm going to make a conscious effort to limit my hijacking. I agree with the mod that the (aforementioned) thread was full of crap and really didn't add any value to the site.

Someone copped a few to many paintshells in the head hey!!!


I'm actually quite serious about this ... the owners/organisers/admins/mods of this site have invested large amounts of blood, sweat and tears to deliver a community that we all share. :gooff:

I think we owe it to them to do the best we can to support and grow the site. If this means that there should be less crap, then I agree and will try to do my bit.

Not sure how the hell I'm going to get to 5000 posts though? :spoton: Certainly won't be by discussing cars! :nono:

hey :censored: , I reckon about 3 out of your 4000+ posts have been about cars :lol:

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Ladies and Gentlemans:

I have found an alternative for you to this thread. Given that so many of you must have "my 2c worth" on so many topics that are not of any actual value or interest, please go to:


You will find this site most interesting and you can air your views (that have no relation to this site)!

feel free to attack whatever here!

WARNING: This site does accpet and take colouful language!


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  • Gandalf the Grey, Maiar of Manwë and Varda, Team HgAg/Sneaky
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You can't get rid of us that easily, Dallas ... nice try though. :crybaby:


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  • Sucker
  • Moderating Team
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I've got the answer!

Maybe Chris could set up a Kent vs. Sally forum where you two can go and sling sh*t at each other to your little hearts content, and the rest of us can just drop in and offer encouragement from time to time.

Although I do totally agree with what the mods have mentioned elsewhere, I would miss the entertainment value of you two trying to outwit each other.


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  • I don't suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it
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doesn't change certain inevitable facts:

1) It IS going to rain

2) you WILL get snotted tomorrow

3) HgAg IS the best BA colour

Lets review shall we:

1) Weather Bureau

2) Bruises on me = 11, bruises on you = 13. Not forgetting the :crybaby: incident :k24t:

3) I believe the quote as we were arriving at the pub, from the only crowd that really matters (:huh:), was "GO THE BLUE!"

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  • Gandalf the Grey, Maiar of Manwë and Varda, Team HgAg/Sneaky
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1) Since when has the Weather Bureau ever got a forecast correct? :glad:

2) The reason for the bruise count was because you were mostly fighting one-on-one ... I, on the other hand, seemed to be a "marked" man from the moment we started. :glad:

3) You can't really go by the young lassy who shouted "GO THE BLUE" ... her jeans were so tight, it was obvious that her circulation was cut off and she wasn't thinking clearly. I know I wasn't every time I "glanced" in her direction. :msm:


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  • Donating Members
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I've got the answer!

Maybe Chris could set up a Kent vs. Sally forum where you two can go and sling sh*t at each other to your little hearts content, and the rest of us can just drop in and offer encouragement from time to time.

Quiet you or you'll become a target :glad:

Scotty CCC

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