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Doing well!

House is at roof carpentry stage. Should have the frame done by the end of the week, then they will do the roofing and external ceiling stuff. 

Went for a job interview yesrerday at WesTrac as a MCG (machine control and guidance) Tecnology Technician. Complete shift of career. Kinda came outta nowhere. Long story short, I have more career growth opportunity through this career, and its basically a glorified auto sparky role, which I do heaps of in my spare time. Super interesting role. End up fifo for 3-5 years and then move back to engineering role in the city. They really liked me and were impressed with my auto sparky knowledge without any trade. Same goes for networking knowledge.


Missing the skid pig and stuggling to find a replacement 😞 

With the new job and more pay towards the end of year, I'm hoping I can move on to my next project. Keep trying to head in a different direction from Ford and barras, but I find myself coming back.... Can only come back in an FPV of FGX 😏

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ahh yes, can't stay away from the falcon platform :) I know the feeling


Good stuff on the house and job front, though!

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