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  • Puff
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I swear my dog keeps a special reserve of piss just for the inside of the house. I took him out for a piss, we come back inside and I pat him, saying good boy...he pisses on the floor 😐

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:shocked: yikes... maybe you need puppy mats on the floor to allow him to do it inside on those... hmm it's going to be tricky to train it out of him but I'm sure you'll manage.

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  • Puff
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Yeah he just gets excited to see people and he gets real happy when you interact with him. He won't piss on the floor otherwise.


He's moving outside in a month or 2 so I can deal with it until then. I'm now the proud owner of a "piss towel" :roflmbo:

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haha if it's just excitement causing the peeing, you can teach them to calm down on a command. It's absolutely worth doing. Plus "manage" their environment so they don't get to greet people without a leash etc and being held back or moved back until the dog calms down enough to interact. 

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  • Puff
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  • Member For: 10y 1m 10d
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  • Location: South Australia

I have implemented the last half of that, he stays in a separate room when the kids get home etc. I'm not sure how I can make him less excited to see people though, maybe I can throw in the occasional kick or pull of the tail so he's less happy to see people? :stirthepot:


I know, I'll farken google it :idea31:

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the dog can get excited, but delay it by doing a sit+stay (or a hold on the lead if necessary until the stay is properly trained) and then once they calm down you give them the thing they want in small doses :) Making sure the dog pays attention to you in the process instead of the thing they want... redirect with treats etc... once the excitement dies down etc, bring in the thing fully :) 

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