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necessary is subjective ;) 


In other news, had my graduation ceremony yesterday. Not really my thing but my parents and partner wanted me to go. I was more a fan of the photos I'd taken with the family the day prior.

Had to be done due to covid restrictions only allowing 2 tickets per student. So I decided to do a photoshoot the day before during sunset. Was way better than the graduation itself imo.


Photo dump time of some of my more favourite pics I edited + testamur :) 




Life givers (parents)



Brother and I



Partner and I


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Fkn tell me about it :headbang4:


My final year project (FYP) was fun though, but it was something I did in collaboration with work so it had actual meaning behind it which was nice. I also got to the end fully expecting to not get honours, degree would have been "Batchelor of Engineering (Electronics and Communications) 2nd Class" meaning I studied honours but did not meet all requirements for honours. But you still pass.

However I think my project is what allowed me to meet honours.... I'm not really gonna question it though hahaha

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23 minutes ago, gaz097 said:

Good work mate. Anyone that's done a bachelor in anything knows that it's soul draining.


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Fkn tell me about it :headbang4:
My final year project (FYP) was fun though, but it was something I did in collaboration with work so it had actual meaning behind it which was nice. I also got to the end fully expecting to not get honours, degree would have been "Batchelor of Engineering (Electronics and Communications) 2nd Class" meaning I studied honours but did not meet all requirements for honours. But you still pass.
However I think my project is what allowed me to meet honours.... I'm not really gonna question it though hahaha
I did the same and it made the FYP enjoyable.

3 year or 4 years?
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4 for this degree if you do it f/t. I started uni 8 years ago after high school. Did 1 year bridging course because I didn't do the highest math in school. Transferred to Mechatronics and did that for 3 years then 2 years part time (went p/t when I got my internship). Transferred to electronics right at the end of my mechatronics degree after scoring a permanent role as a junior hardware design engineer (which in hindsight was a reallllly dumb decision) and finished that over 3 years part time again.

It took me a long time, but when I got the internship and subsequent permanent role in my field of study, I figured it was best for me to not overload myself with engineering work and then have to go home and study every single night as a full time student. It was too stressful juggling both. 

Earnt money while I studied and gained very valuable real-world experience :) 

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Tough gig.
I did it over 7 years. Worked 40 hours a week, plus part time uni. Mechanical engineer.

You definitely come out a better engineer. Not to mention if your working on cars and such, you just are so much better then a book worm type engineer.

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Congrats on finishing well done... as you probably know uni don't mean nothing nor does it teach you a thing about the real world but the title is what your after and congrats on achieving it... having practical experience which you do will make the engineer in you. Let me tell you my story I got kicked out of school at 15 


did apprenticeship in refrigeration and air conditioning gained a heap of life/work experience then over the next 10 years.....


cert 4 in HVACR 

advanced diploma in HVACR engineering- this is where I actually learnt valuable skills.


Bach of mech engineering at Sydney Uni racked up a massive study debt and didn't really learn anything practical if im being honest....


my work experience and being on the tools taught me to be an engineer and I'm lucky that  I had an excellent employer along the way. 


All the best mate! Your gonna be great 

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