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Thanks @k31th for the input


Just got a quote from aami, 20,300 agreed value, $1,500 excess comes to $166 a month.

No thank you.


Shift + enter = post? Wtf

Edited by biddie_fiddler
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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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We don’t have an RAC here we have RAA and that’s who we just swapped from. They were fine, but for some reason they were like $130 a month for the prado at $96k agreed value but AAMI were $97 both with a $500 excess. 

Sayin that we swap around every few years to get the best deal so it’s all swings and round abouts as to who’s offering the best at the time. 

Edited by Mrs Jeturbo
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that's true, at the end of the day AAMI and the RAC companies are both well respected. Just a matter of who can give the better deal.


I'll be calling RAC tomorrow to re-insure my car. If I do it via my current insurance policy with RAC, I can only get a max agreed value of $16.5k for some reason. Its currently sitting at $14.1k!!!!
wtf is that sh*t! I insured the car for $16.5k when I bought it and its dropped to $14k with no change to my monthly repayments??? Is that even legal 🤣🤣🤣

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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I am up in the air about the vax personally (I mean for me). 

One doctor tells me to get it, then another says definitely do not. (This is due to my own underlying health issues not because of anything antivax related FYI). 

So just sitting right at this stage and waiting for any more research/info/opinions from

specialists 😬

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So I have been keeping a low profile during this lock down and being in an lga of concern I haven't done much at all. I buddy of mine in another country purchased a fancy lens for his camera for delivery to my place and the post man did a dodgy and didnt knock and got it sent to the local post. I had to go with my crazy 2 year old so I walk in, take a look behind me and an old boy with a walking frame comes up, I offer him to go ahead. This guy grunts and me with distaste and goes ahead. Respect your elders.

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I am up in the air about the vax personally (I mean for me). 
One doctor tells me to get it, then another says definitely do not. (This is due to my own underlying health issues not because of anything antivax related FYI). 
So just sitting right at this stage and waiting for any more research/info/opinions from
I have yet to find a side effect that is not worse from the actual disease itself.
For eg. The risk of myocarditis has been proven to be higher from covid itself then the vaccine. Same with blood clots.

For yourself, are you in a hotspot, when do you plan on catching it? Traveling any time soon?

At some stage you will come in contact with it, but if you can delay it a few years and let other people be the guinea cops if the vaccine is worse then covid in your case then do it.
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  • Puff
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As a budding old guy I can tell ya that the grunts of distaste and the looks of distain are mainly from the aching joints and sore muscles. :yay:

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