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Mate it was exactly 1 year today when our little Cairn Terrier ingested a tick, and it attacked his respiratory system. The poor little fella was on constant oxygen for nearly 2 weeks, and getting hourly massages from the vets on his lungs to free all the built up crap inside. The best bit for you is the fact that they know what it is.

It was touch and go, but he pulled through.

Just think positive, and be there for anything they need.

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Scotty I hope she pulls through mate, this is the reason I don't have pets.. I get very attached... It's sad but as ms700 said think positive.. that's all you can do..


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  • www.australianflag.org.au
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Under the bloody collar. Our new pup the one we brough to get her pregnant, took a while to get his act together. Well he finally did and he went at it for a while then promptly got stuck and I had to seperate. He then tried to mount her agian, well not wanting to seperate them again, I took them for a run, she was not running at all well, and I thought it was errrr her lose of virginity. Well things could not have been futher from the truth and I found a tick 8 hours later under a brand new collar.

She was fine at first and then fell down quickly, I am now a tad more educated on ticks, first sign vet, chances are far better than when they are really crook.

The first two are of the crook dog Molly (the little one is the hopefully one day to be the proud father of pups), included a few photos of the hopefuully to be dad Elliot as he still has a few things to learn.

May as well throw in a pic of the oldest and bitchiest as well Eden (black)







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  • www.australianflag.org.au
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No he was looking for food, he is a bloody guts. You smack hiim and he thinks its playtime. Not the brightests but a damm fine mutt.

Any guesse sto what he actually is, bought him ass a Staffy X, think there may be Staffy Boxer.


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Feel your pain Scotty my buddy of ten years has gone down in the last few weeks with Arthritis poor bugger cant even make it round the block anymore, brains willing but the old body just cant get him there.

He's been in for a series of injections and just a matter of waiting and seeing how he goes.

It sux when the buggers cant tell you what there problem is....although he lets me know two or three times a night screaming in pain when getting up....

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  • Sucker
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It's probably little consolation, but at least you had the nous to check what was wrong. Have known of a few that have just been left until it's all over.

All the best buddy :thumbsup:

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