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Hey all! Been pretty quiet on the forums, but I'm still around. Poking around here and there.


Cars been off the road now for 7 months now and 8 since I lodged a claim with the warranty company.


Been keeping myself busy by starting a custom tail light build. Its going to be many months in the making but I'm making good progress. Keen to show you all once I have more stuff to actually show.

So far I've designed the inserts and I'm now doing the LED controller side of things. No RGB crap in these lights, just fancy patterns and high quality LEDs. I have an instragram story highlight reel thing of the progress for anyone who cares about that kinda thing.


Have I missed anything important? 😋 

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  • Donating Members
  • Member For: 5y 11m 2d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Perth, WA

Yea I seem to have too many projects going on at any one time haha. Crazy and unorganised like my brain lol.


But yea, dash is done and I'm mostly happy. I just need to develop a test box to properly set the dials and then I can create a proper step-by-step guide for others in the future.


As for the tail lights, custom hardware (PCBs) and firmware is kinda my thing so this is right up my alley. Taking apart tail lights though is not so simple and is quite challenging. I'm hoping to start a bit of a side hustle of doing custom tail lights and dashes for Falcon owners, specifically FGs for now. I've spent a lot of time designing inserts in Solidworks for the indicator and brakes in the tail lights. Figured I'd do the hard stuff first and then move on to the fun stuff of hardware and firmware. I reckon I'll have a fully functioning tail light by end of August as a proof of concept. that's the aim anyways.

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