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Chip shortage is going to get way worse before it gets better. 


This is the worst ETA we've had so far for a chip we use in a prototype product. Pipelined to be released at the end this year but that sure as sh*t is not happening any more.



We are having regular meetings over this issue as its severely delaying our product release schedules. Keep in mind, this is a company with an RND team of 6 engineers (and 1 manager), more specifically just 1 senior hardware engineer and me responsible for the electronics design of the products.... Imagine this but on a car production scale where they'd have teams of hardware engineers that are probably orders of magnitude larger that our whole RND team combined.


Chip manufacturers are already trying to invest more money into building more manufacturing facilities. For example, Samsung Semiconductors, a subsidiary of Samsung Electronics, is planning on creating a new facility in Texas. Estimated to cost $17 Billion. This is only planned to be operational in late 2024.

The general public have no idea what it takes to produce ICs (integrated circuits) and definitely take them for granted. One major resource required for manufacturing silicone wafers (the "heart" of ICs) is clean water, and A LOT of it. We're talking 10's of millions of litres of very clean water PER DAY! Having a water source that provide such large amounts of water is one of the major reasons why it is difficult to find suitable locations for these facilities.


Hold onto your phones people, sh*ts about realllll sticky soon.

What really sh*ts me is the utter lack of coverage of this situation. Like yea COVID is bad, but then have a think about how much we as a society rely on electronics goods on a daily basis. This situation has the potential of being a worldwide crisis. Just like COVID.

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  • Member For: 5y 11m 6d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Perth, WA

Morning @k31th :) 


On the final stretch of getting my new contract at work! Bit of back and forth and what not but struck a deal that isn't too bad. Will definitely be nagging every year for a raise though - something my manager has said I should definitely do, good to know he's on my side xD 

Bit surreal to see that I'll be getting the role I've always dreamed of having since I started uni. Exciting and scary at the same time.

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