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  • Member For: 5y 11m 9d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Perth, WA

This week has been unbelievably busy for me!

Last proper day of work this work at least, work Christmas party from 12 tomorrow so I doubt any work will be done prior xD


Notable items of the week:


Been given my first proper project that I'll be developing at work. Comes with a bunch of "I have no idea wtf I am doing" but that's to be expected. Mostly just getting used to software and the way we manage things in the software that is taking the most time.


3km left of the 1500km run in for my brothers car. He is flying out on monday and the tune is booked for then, so I'll be driving it there and taking it back.... What a win 🤣


Sent an email to the lecturer of the unit I did for uni that had an exam, it was the only exam I wrote this semester. I have passed everything, just waiting on the exam result. It is literally the thing that will determine whether I am finished with uni or not. Anyway, sent him an email because I've been stressing the absolute fk over this exam, it was hard and I didn't feel confident in it. Asked him how I went in it, if he was able to tell me earlier. He called me and said he is not allowed to reply to such an email but "not to worry about your result in the exam" and "I wish you all the best in the future"....

Apparently results are in tomorrow... I think I'm done with uni....

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