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Wednesday's are always good days, pay day 🤑🤑🤑


Speaking of PCs, priced up my watercooled PC project and it is farrrrr from cheap 🙃

Keeping my current GPU, drives and power supply because GPU prices are so fked atm. Problem is there is only 1 company that makes a waterblock for the thing and it's gonna cost $300!!

Made in germany, AU reseller sells its for $195, shipping $100!!!!!! WTF!

All up the build will be in the $2.5k range 🤯


Think I'm gonna still to air cooling for the time being lol

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Check out DIY Perks on YT if you want some silly DIY PC build ideas and you're willing to try them haha


Edit: Oh, and of course post any details of your build in the computers thread -> https://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/topic/92091-show-us-your-pc-andor-gaming-setup/

Edited by k31th
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Ahah I know the channel well 🤣


There's nothing in the build that needs any real crazy modification things.

Dunno if you're in to PCs much, if you've heard of the Lian-Li O11 Dynamic case. that's the case I'll be using because its large enough to easily work in and there's already parts on the market to make watercooling in it a breeze, like this distribution plate from EKWB. Acts as a reservoir for the coolant and also has a pump built in, neat!


For now though, I'll stick to a bunch of fans in the case. Car is more important atm lol. PC works fun, I'm just looking for excuses to tinker with the thing again. Built many PCs but never done watercooling. Something I've been so keen to try 

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I've been keen to build my own PC as well more to just give it a crack and see how I go (not my area of engineering expertise),, my current pc set up I had built by a pro but went fan cooled over water cooled.... question with water cooled is there a chance of leaks? I really am a noob in this field and havnt even looked into it properly whatsoever 

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Its a risk you have to be willing to take with leaks. Technically yes, there is always a chance it can leak. Has happened to a friend of mine who bought an all-in-one water cooler for his CPU. That was not his fault however and was completely covered by warranty.


Build a custom loop well enough and it shouldn't leak ;) 

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Sweet... I guess I should of phrased my question differently.... are leaks common? Hahaha. Mite give the water cooling a go....

speaking of watercooled was really getting up my c63 today as I had the sh*ts and even being a hot today today with the air to water cooling zero powerloss, engine bay gets hot though turbos sit in middle of the motor 

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