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8 minutes ago, k31th said:

this one struggles? yeah; right hahah it's as modern feature-wise as it gets and it runs great on this new upgrade, I've noticed they've improved a few things.

Yeh it has, not only have I mentioned the txt editor box freaking out ol mate above did to you a few months back 


The main point was the fact this forum always has to run upgrades constantly which completely throw out the typical layouts, up grade ya back end all you want but the front end should be left alone ! 

Change is whatevas but when it’s for worse not better why bother ? 

Windows 10 anyone, Nope 👎 

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haha yeah, your browser can sometimes freak out with AJAX stuff; no big deal, realistically... as fixing a browser issue like that is often quite easy on an end-user basis, assuming your device of choice isn't a POS.


Upgrades constantly, yep... lel. Compared to not upgrading at all, maybe, but nowhere near, is this placed upgraded "often"; the upgrade previous to this one was in February of 2020 haha. The forum software people got busy during covid-times and upgraded a bunch of stuff, hence why this was a fairly major change upgrade, especially for only a v4.4 to v4.5 upgrade step; the 2nd hardest of any software upgrade. The hardest type of software upgrade; v3 to v4 before I got admin access to do anything about this forum was in 2016 and this forum was literally down and out for almost a week and then I managed to fix all the weird :pooh: happening (remember the "ghost page" issue? and the fixes to get the place even partially operational easily cost in the thousands of $$ to get somebody other than me who does it for free to do it)... When you upgrade the "back-end" of a website, often that requires significant work on it's own to make it compatible with the back-end changes... this one had major back-end function operational changes and plenty of layout (front-end) changes as you can see now, a bunch of which were not compatible with the way the forum was "half-arsed" to work with v4 in the first place. I've streamlined and fixed a few outstanding (minor) issues from way-back in the process :)


oh... and you had what... 15minutes of outage between 4am and 4:15am haha nobody was even online except me after processing all of the "standard changes" from the "new copy" to the "old copy" of the relevantly changed data to make this forum work.

Edited by k31th
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26 minutes ago, JETURBO said:

Yeh it has, not only have I mentioned the txt editor box freaking out ol mate above did to you a few months back

Fun Fact .... it’s doing it right now in Pop’s Thread




Will not post, goes to the top of last page , Iphone 11 Pro on Safari

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  • Puff
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Keef @ 3:59am




Keef @ 4:00am




Keef at 4:15am




Keefs wife @ 4:16am




Keefs boudoir @ 4:17am




Keefs boudoir @ 4:18am




Keefs boudoir @ 4:19am




Keef right now



  • Haha 4
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haha that's gold; that last one might be a new avatar :thinkof:


28 minutes ago, JETURBO said:

Fun Fact .... it’s doing it right now in Pop’s Thread...

Will not post, goes to the top of last page , Iphone 11 Pro on Safari 

unfortunately I don't have an active iOS device to do thorough testing, but the symptoms of "jumping up to the top of the page" points to the data trying to be sent and packaged, but it fails at some point but still reloads the page as-if you'd successfully submitted the data to the server..


now, a bottleneck like that could start or end anywhere along the pathway from your device to the back-end server for this forum.


Since everybody else is posting OK and quickly, it's not the forum software... I'd be looking at your Safari browser and if you've got a bunch of tabs open, e.g. it's running out of memory. If your Safari browser has any security protocols that might be interfering, that'd be normal for Apple and their :pooh: products. Try it in Chrome browser on your iPhone with only 1 tab open (this forum) to get best testing environment results (assuming you also haven't used most of the RAM on the device itself by opening 15+ apps in the background).


Then the data has to go out of your network via your router and your ISP, there's unlikely to be a bottleneck there, but it's possible.


From your ISP to the forum back end is even more unlikely, but again anything could happen on the copper/glass pathways between those endpoints.

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absolutely worth it for the amount of "haha" reacts you'll get :rofl:


also, what's people's opinions on changing around our "reacts" from the current "thanks, haha, confused, sad, like" to the standard facesucks ones plus "thanks"? (e.g. "like, love, haha, wow, sad, angry") ?

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that was my thoughts, too, as I've sometimes thought I can't use the ones we have for the reaction I want to give haha... I'll wait for at least a couple more opinions, though.


morning all, happy Wednesday :wiggle:

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13 hours ago, JETURBO said:

Fun Fact .... it’s doing it right now in Pop’s Thread




Will not post, goes to the top of last page , Iphone 11 Pro on Safari

This issue happened to me a while back, I think I brought it up on the forums when it did. I'm yet to have the whole issue again. 

I do sometimes have text that I've written and posted still saved in the text box though. Just not the "jumping to the top of the page" thing.


On a side note, I used to have an annoying issue where I'd click a link to a fourm thread from the homepage and no matter what it would always take me to the "new members thread". It was really annoying. If I navigated to the "activity" tab and do it through there it was fine. 

These are the links I'm talking about for reference


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