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40 minutes ago, Miss Cornwall said:

ps.... I feel special that your 1000th post @MBAF was a picture of my pink elephant arse.... and this is why I love this forum 🤣

You’re welcome 😘



on a on a side note no power. I better not lose 6k worth of saltwater corals and fish. 


I do do have a wavemaker running on backup power so should give them some chance

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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1 hour ago, Puffwagon said:

I have at least one nude stroll per day, in the morning, from my bed to my backyard, when I wake up. Haha I wonder how long I can keep that up?!


Would love that seclusion from neighbours.... 

but also couldn’t live as far out as you do without a beach or hills greenery to at least offset the huge commute daily (coz we have to work in the city area). (Adelaide relative distance taken into account, an hour and ten can get you almost anywhere).

It’s like a desert out there, hot and dusty af.... although to be fair I’ve only ever spent a lot of time at the race track there so that’s what I’m basing it on. 


But it I can dig no one watching ya chit.... 

our last place bedroom window was next to our neighbours bedroom window... they copped way more than they bargained for in terms of noise LOL they must have either never done it or always done it in the lounge coz we didn’t hear em once... LOL 

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  • Trust me bro...tbh ;) 8===}
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The beach is 15 minutes away for crabbing, playground or walking, I can drive to para wirra camping ground in about 45 minutes and gawler is half an hour away.


I do miss the beach or hills though for sure. 


It is remote and not suited for city commuting. Imho, half an hour should be the max commute. 


You're right about it being desert like. It is how you remember it. That part sucks if you can't handle the heat, which out of all my family, only I can. We spend a lot of time inside our little house with the aircon on, when it's hot.


While stuff is kinda close, it's also kinda not when you have young kids and/or a school schedule. I can do a 1 min trip to the supermarket here, but if I take everyone else and go to gawler it's a 3 hour return trip. 


Nudey neighbors ain't a big deal to me though. We all look the same more or less. I personally don't find it a big deal as we're all just men and women. I know that isn't the same for everyone though.


Haha my parents were 60's and 70's hippies lol. 

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