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  • Is on holiday from communism
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The only young one here is fluff



I believe you, just means there was a lot of love between you two.


work put me in a haunted house in adelaide. You couldn't give me any amount of money to stay there again. No farking way.


The three Co workers that stayed in that house all had the same, and one asked why the fark he was standing in his doorway in the middle of the night, his reply was that wasn't me. You did that. Came to the conclusion house was haunted. 


I ended up in that house after a few months and it was just me and someone else. His RR was different to mine so I had the place to myself for a few days. The second or third night a door slammed on the other side of the house when I was in bed. Slammed like someone physically slamming it and pushing it shut.


I thought someone had broken in so I went out my room and checked, knife in hand of course haha. 


Checked every door, nothing. No windows open, no breeze, everything was locked no one broke in. The only door that was closed was the door that I thought originally slammed shut.


I tried slamming it shut but the air pressure wouldn't let me no matter how hard you tried to slam it. It had to be pushed closed ,So I checked the house again. Nothing.


That door had to have been slammed shut. There's  one other door downstairs but it would have never sounded like the door to the room. The door downstairs didnt sound like the door I heard slam and it was closed and locked anyway with a chair leaning against it still because it would always rattle from the wind.


Even walking back to my room it was creepy. Big glass windows everywhere and always felt like you were being watched. The lights stayed on permanently that whole week and I didnt sleep at all that night. 


I wanted to burn that sh*thole to the ground.

Edited by I love kittens
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My brother in-law died many years ago now
My sister related an incident that took place in the hospital when he was in palliative care.
She described it as very disturbing, bordering on frightening, not quite terrifying.
Her husband described strange looking beings on the ceiling looking down at them.
Now before you tell me it was the drugs he was on giving him hallucinations, he was virtually drug free, only on very mild pain killers, he had an extremely high pain threshold (BTW, had stomach cancer)
She told me that everytime they "appeared" about 30 seconds before her husband would tell her they were back, the room would become alot colder to the extent she would look up to the ceiling whenever it cooled and could make out dark shapes in the corners of the room.

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  • Is on holiday from communism
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This is why I have cats. No ghosties here.


I had the hag visit me once, but in a saying that I was stoned out of my eyeballs. I woke up but I couldn't move, on the door way to the bathroom, I could make out a short black figure, dont know why but it felt like a short old lady


Didnt do anything, just stood there. Because I couldn't move, that's what was making me get anxiety but I want scared. Stupid thing was I felt like I woke up seconds later but I swore I already woke up because it was so vivid. But like anything else I've experienced , there's nothing I can do. I looked it up and other people have had the same experience down to the exact same feeling and descriptions. 


Now if I think there's a ghost, I just remind myself I'm just a walking skeleton wearing a meat suit. Can't get scarier than that 😂

Edited by I love kittens
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