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On 12/19/2018 at 8:57 PM, camo86T said:

Man are you one of 'those' people who spend their life bitching about management and how easy they have it


Odds on Dan from HR or Manager Mick is the one who takes a piece of your G6ET everytime you piss him off... xD


Let's face facts, it's idiots with titles that tend to do the most damage in companies, they also get paid more money than the ones that ACTUALLY do any work in an organisation.


So yeah you bet I'm going to B1tch about them :yes-sir:


Yay for Christmas party day.


So if you see an old fart sticking his head out of the sunroof of a Commondore with a drink in his hands, along the Graeme Farmer Freeway on the way to the Casino, it's probably me.

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54 minutes ago, Ezy2Confuze said:

Let's face facts, it's idiots with titles that tend to do the most damage in companies, they also get paid more money than the ones that ACTUALLY do any work in an organisation.

Actually not fact. They CAN do the most damage, but they're also responsible for ensuring everyone else that they're responsible for pulls their weight - this in itself is no easy task. Just because they don't do the same work as you (which is apparently the only thing you consider to be "actual" work) doesn't mean they're not actually working. They get paid more because they have greater responsibility and greater accountability. Obviously I can't speak for everyone, but in my experience they're generally the people who work longer hours and do a hell of a lot more than you give them credit for.


Unless you've actually done their role for some time, how would you even know what they actually do on a day-to-day basis, and what their job is like? How are you qualified to make that kind of assessment when you're only viewing it from your own personal experience of a role you haven't done?

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1 hour ago, .Stripes. said:

. Just because they don't do the same work as you (which is apparently the only thing you consider to be "actual" work) doesn't mean they're not actually working.

I don't have any respect for people who tell others what to do without having done that job at least once in their lives.


I deal with a few network operation centres nowadays who have me working at the retail shops of many large companies.

The best one actually sends their office workers out to jobs to see what is actually going on and to do installations. From this they create instructions which are accurate because they actually did the install. When I speak to this person, he actually understands what's going on because while he works long hours he actually goes to site from time to time.


Another NOC I deal with has no idea what's going on and this ends up costing them more money. I get sent to jobs where they have no idea what equipment is in place, no idea whether something is cabled or running on wi-fi and when I ring up as im instructed to do so I get stuck on hold for half an hour.


In my limited experience I find the worst companies are the ones where a bunch of mates are in it to keep themselves a job. One company I know went broke because instead of using an off the shelf component that was properly rated they decided to use one of their brothers businesses to make the products. big mistake - they never got the components IP rated and the mining company wasn't happy.

Edited by skidxr6t
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1 hour ago, skidxr6t said:

I don't have any respect for people who tell others what to do without having done that job at least once in their lives.

To a point, I agree. Having an understanding of the job is crucial to being a good manager - but if you're managing at a higher level it's less important to know the ins and outs - that's why you have supervisors and tech staff, so you don't NEED to know everything. Good people managers are a different breed - one of my mates is a natural people manager. He's not the most technically gifted in his field, but he understands enough to be able to manage those who are and to get the most out of them.

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I've got my tin hat on :crazy:

bought a shielding wallet for my phone (Faraday cage)

$5 on ebay and it works, total black out 




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  • MattyP
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Sorry guys with the late reply been a zombie on mornings! 

Well you’d be happy to know the wedding is planned September 2020ish but don’t worry in true Matt form the tassie cruise next year falls on a wedding of my good friends again

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