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Got it :D


And the short shift to 2nd - snap it in and floor it again ASAP, or ease it in and get to the floor gradually?? I imagine that depends a bit on tyres /grip levels etc, but what's the ideal scenario??


Edit: all my 'spirited driving' (cornering, braking, heel-toe shifting) is well rehearsed, but I've never learned to launch hard because I have a large dose of mechanical sympathy haha

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well, the shifts are a little tricky, too, but essentially...


as fast as you can get the foot to the floor on the clutch, pull the gear out of it's gate and then quickly engage the next gate as you start raising your foot back off the clutch, all with a quick release and re-application of the throttle as the new gear gate is selected and engaged. Essentially you're kicking to the floor and shifting through it in one motion. It takes a bit of practice to get it going well under full torque loads and it's easy to miss a gear with the clunky T56 shifting mechanism.

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Have got this part sorted, (am not a noob driver but just a noob launcher ;) ), so that'll be fine - was wondering if that was the aim to get back to the floor ASAP or if there's a better way, given the propensity to smoke in these cars haha

Cheers to all, I need to find a private road and practice I think ;)

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well, getting on the throttle straight away again or not depends on a heap of factors, including but not exclusively: how much boost, how much power, how sticky the road is, how sticky your tyres are, how warm those sticky tyres are etc. Essentially control the throttle as necessary as compared to your car's propensity to create smoke at that time haha


enjoy your practice and remember to either take pics or video, as we all want to see it ;)

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You fit a quick shifter, you keep the throttle flat but it cuts the revs for a small time. Just like on racing motorcycles and cars.

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Was trying to get my head around what the ATO website reckons about tax rates for lump sum payments, as I'll be getting paid out a bunch of annual and long service leave when I finish up here and was trying to figure out how much I should walk away with...my head hurts though and I gave up trying to follow it...
It's complex, but effectively amounts to being taxed at your marginal tax rate (rate for the bracket you are in) assuming you don't have any leave accrued prior to 1993. Gets treated as if paid over 12 months so less likely to push you into the next bracket.


Is taxed differently if it is part of a redundancy package etc.
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1 hour ago, Lennox said:

How do the Falcons go with a flat shift? Never driven a manual one

stock it doesn't work at all unless you fluke a line up of rev matching between the two gears you're switching between... probably a lot of grinding of gears or synchro's...


but like double-r said, you get a spark cut quick shifter and it'll cut the spark when you go through the gates via a switch installed in there and it'll allow you to just shift without grinding due to the lack of load (basically how the V8 supercars do it).

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