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On 6/26/2018 at 11:14 AM, Rab said:

Am tempted to get one to upgrade the 10+ year old server I'm running.


Did you use the discount code for the 10% off?


I most certainly did.


I was put onto them by three of the other IT staff at work.  Apparently they are extremely quite once the initial start-up noises subside and are heaps better compared to the opposition units form HP and IBM.


Got the sh!t scared out of me just as I was finishing lunch today, the conveyancer rings and the first words out of her mouth were "I just had a really concerting call from the lawyers, apparently there are no mortgage docs." and I know I've signed everything given to me.


I'm like WTF because I saw the letter to Dept. Housing dated 31 May to prepare them and I know I signed something.


So there was a mad scramble to find out WTF happened and I need to go down to Housing, pick them up, bring them back, sign them and get them witnessed and then take them back.


Lucky Housing are about 10 minutes walk away but if it's still p1ssing down tomorrow, I'm Uberring.


Settlement is this Friday and I did the final inspection on Saturday morning.

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  • XR50T
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Does anyone else find the trutrac very average?
It's ok under wot or at least fair acceleration but absolute poo everywhere else.
Does nothing decent on deceleration. Can hear and feel the gears in it unloading and shuddering at low speeds, not a fan.

Thinking of going kaaz, supposed to be better under deceleration.

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  • XR50T
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Will look into it.
Just not a good match with my ute, would suit autos much better than a manual with a ceramic clutch going by the way it feels. Feels like a loose end the way it unloads on decell.

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@OZYWALKER I notice when leaving home of a morning or work of an arvo mine is a bit juddery at the first intersection but feels smooth as after that.

You been in anyone else's with similar setup? Bar the 5 link I mean.

I find the tricky bit is when you're intentionally out of shape and straightening back up - you get traction very quick and very hard, bad luck if you're still pointed north-east/west...

Always thought that manual doesn't help, you're either boosting or you're not, would think anything with a decent amount of lag would be worse when you're making like a snake on private roads. 

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@OZYWALKER My truetrac in my FG XR6T made some decent clunking noises - but to be fair, it was a hell of a lot quieter than the POS that was in it when I got the car. If it were something I'd be looking at doing now I'd probably be going with a wavetrac, as Keith suggested.

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