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  • All stock bar the k&n panel filter
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Thanks, wasn't sure if it'd get around the word filter so gave it a crack...great success!

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  • All stock bar the k&n panel filter
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Well, my best mate's brother-in-law died in a motorbike accident last week, leaving behind his wife (who was like a big sister to me growing up) and 3 young kids...so that's kinda sh*t. Otherwise things are going ok. Moved into a new role at work recently which has taken me away from the day-to-day production work and focusing more on the regional exploration stuff. Also started a grad cert in geostatistics this week, that work is paying for.


How's things going for everyone else?

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bugger for the accident thing...


grad cert, eh... what's the reasoning for doing that? a specific pathway you're interested in chasing or just general personal development?


smashing the work out that I need to get done today before I head over to the boat for the tassie cruise :spoton:

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Reason for the grad cert is to allow me to follow the resource geology pathway, which is part of what I'm learning in my new role (although not my primary function). It mostly involves computer/numerical modelling and geostats. Basically, it provides me with a potential career path that will be more technically focused, rather than people management etc...which is much more my speed.

Edited by .Stripes.
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  • Puff
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43 minutes ago, .Stripes. said:

Well, my best mate's brother-in-law died in a motorbike accident last week, leaving behind his wife (who was like a big sister to me growing up) and 3 young kids...so that's kinda sh*t. Otherwise things are going ok. Moved into a new role at work recently which has taken me away from the day-to-day production work and focusing more on the regional exploration stuff. Also started a grad cert in geostatistics this week, that work is paying for.


How's things going for everyone else?


That's terrible to hear and something I worry about as my wife travels 80km a day for work.


Nothing much has changed here. Still doing the stay at home dad thing with all 4 of them now. The girls go to care 2 days per week so I have some "free" time when the boys are at school. The other 3 days are a bit busy/messy. I started a cert 4 in building at tafe this year so I can do a few things on my own house eventually without having to pay someone to look at it and charge me out the arse.


My car is still sitting there collecting dust but should be sorted in a month or so. The crazy vtec van needs a tappet clearance adjustment so that's on the cards at some stage.


Still hitting the gym but working around injuries so not gaining as fast as I'd like, but still getting out there a few times per week.

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