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The Off Topic Thread.


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  • MattyP
  • Cruise Control
  • Member For: 12y 10m 7d
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  • Location: Central Coast

Recently I've been given my brothers 2012 chrysler 300 diesel luxury, And what a car I must say, Very very comfortable and the features are still fairly up to date but my brother being a 28 year old toddler has almost killed it so where do I start, 

About 24 months ago he blew up the turbo after getting it tuned (dodgly) and cable tying the VGT actuator to closed essentially over spinning the turbo. Unfortunately he got the car back 6 months and has done forced it closed again, among other things he ran the car without a dump pipe so he just coated the bay in soot and gunk. 

Fast forward to last week where I semi stole the car off him so here is the list so far of all the things wrong with it so far:

*Battery light/spark light on. While driving volts sit at 14.2 with everything off 12.3

*Oil completly covering rear bar and boot after being fully cleaned after less than 200km

*Brake fluid reservoir been melted by the lack of exhaust on for a while

*EGR has been deleted and throwing a sporadic code

*Underboost code coming up sporadically

*Dpf deleted and leaking

*Pod Filter box required to be built

*Full service 

*Low beams lowered

If you've made it this far, thanks for reading! Look forward to posting pics of fixing this mess

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  • less WHY; more WOT
  • Site Developer
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it's like TGIF, but then people say TFIF instead (for obvious reasons), but then I've adapted it to be for Monday, instead, as a facetious statement. :stirthepot:

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  • Puff
  • Gold Donating Members
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  • Location: South Australia

Happy Tuesday indeed.


If I never sell something on gumtree again it will be too soon.


Examples of questions I have been asked;


Q: What do you have left?

A: I have "a" and "b" left.

Q: Ok so when can I pick up "c".

A: You can't, I only have "a" and "b" left.




Q: What is the price and how many are for sale?

A: The price is in the advert and there are two for sale as per the advert.




Q: Can you meet me half way?

A: If you buy a minimum amount I will meet you half way.

Q: Ok I will buy that amount.

Arrives, only buys half, barely covers my fuel not to mention three hours of driving there and back.




Q: Hi I love it, I'll come get it tomorrow.

A: No worries.

Q: Can I have more pictures please?

A: No worries here have another half a dozen pictures.

Q: I love it I love it I'll be there at 5.

Nek day 5pm comes and goes and I finally get a message saying they changed their mind.


or the best one


Q: Hey bro can I give you half of the listed price?

A: Only if you add the other half to the first half.

Q: But I can get a better version for the same price.

A: Go do that then...


I would have put this in the what pissed me off today thread but I aint even mad bro. :original:

Edited by Puffwagon
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