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Been busy/lazy over the last couple of weeks and haven't been keeping track of things on here. Got a bit to catch up on.


Hope everyone had a great xmas and new year and all made it out the otherside a bit older and wiser.


Sounds like the only issues on here was if @Puffwagon can carry a tune (sing, not boost) and if @k31th should be allowed to sit down to pee if (s)he wants to.


Nothing to report from this end - much beer drunk, food eaten, kids dissapointed and resolutions broken.


Having to come back to the real world sucks :(

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5 minutes ago, Rab said:

 Got a bit to catch up on.


K31th has gotten himself a toilet fetish since you've been gone Rab

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  • skids
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23 minutes ago, Puffwagon said:

It is worth noting that police already have discretion about whether or not they want to stop your car and even if they do stop you, whether or not they want to take further action.

they sure do, tutututu has happened many times and not pulled over LOL.


I do see what you mean, these laws apply for hooning in 50km/h residential zones and for school zones. skids as well as doing more than 45 over. the message is clear, go out away from peoples homes and do your skids. but then we put cameras out there to try and catch people.


something something lcd screens that go black when turned on that happen to be the size of a licence plate cover and don't look abnormal. about $3-400 USD last I checked.

Edited by skidxr6t
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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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that's crap... I say if youre stupid enough to do a runner in any circumstance then you deserve to have your car impounded for life and jail time.
I'll say it once and again, you wanna rip skids etc then u assume whatever risks associated and deal with the consequences. The only time its unfair is if the punishment is unknown; but everyone knows the rules then suck it up.

Higher instance on peo0le running away?
The only solution is to enable our patrol cars to ram cars like in the states etc.

Recently 2 people in adelaidr have dies from stolen vehicles, both where a police chase was abandoned due to danger to the public
Perhaps if the police were able to stop them by using force then they wouldn't have continued to drive like morons even when not being chased and kill an innocent grandma and mother.

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Farkin' like hunters in here today mentioning my name xD:girlhospital: 


Speed is a complicated issue, but for the most part, speed is not a major factor in fatalities. It's ridiculously over-enforced because it's easy and profitable to enforce instead and people who speed are seen as the devil because of the enforcement practices.


Hoon laws are, for the most part, easy passed bullshit legislation. How often does somebody die or even get injured at a skid meet? 

Drag racing if done safely out of public places; who cares?

Driving a nice modified car; you must be a hoon and pulled over for any possible reason and done over as hard as possible but you're actually driving a perfectly maintained safe vehicle.


People who care about their vehicles care more not to get them damaged and will drive within limits to make their car remain immaculate. The average joe couldn't care less about the  condition and maintenance of their car. 

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8 minutes ago, k31th said:

Drag racing if done safely out of public places; who cares?


You mean a drag strip? I went to one recently myself.


It cost $100, I did skids and drove my car nearly double the speed limit. I didn't risk anyone's life that hadn't signed up for it and got a total of zero demerits and zero fines.

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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Keith youre assuming everyone with a "modified car" can drive safely or with a certain amount of basic skill.... unfortunately a teenager who just got his Ps and can barely deal with half throttle somehow dealing with a possible loss of traction at a higher speed

How many people die from people "hooning" as categorized by speeding excessively, racing, burnouts etc etc... enough!

Skids? Maybe not so much but racing yes.

Fact remains in today's society we've come to accept that a certain amount of fatality is ok on our roads "oh the toll is down from last year" "ignorant only 3 people dies as a result of excessive speed this year"
You know what? That's too farkn many!

Yes "hooning" imo isnt as bad as other issues but you're blind to think its not an issue at all.

Possibly because you've never had your family in your SUV nearly be hit by some ass hat doing 140 in a 80 zone street racing and not realising a car pulled out and having to swerve into your lane.

Fact remains, if he was doing 80 it wouldn't have happened.

Roads are for driving a-b not for idiots to have fun on.
In the middle of the night in an industrial estate... whatever I could care less... but at 5.30pm on a Tuesday on the main road nope.

So how do u police that? Oh hooning is ok sometimes only between 1am and 4am in an industrial estate where no work is taking place and no one is present except the participating occupants of the vehicle in question?

Uhhhh no.
It's just a NO

And we've all done dumb chit... have u done it... well duhhhh... but if I got punished I wouldnt whinge.


Oh and fyi... the people who have "immaculate cars and drive them only to their limits to conserve their prize possessions" are usually not the ones getting but raped by the hoon police. that's a fact

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From what I've seen and been involved in, it does happen, all too often. 


If you're being stupid with heaps of unaware traffic around, I absolutely agree.


Punishment at the time is based on the current laws and their enforcement. I have no problem there. It's the ease at which those laws are passed and then "improved" upon without any real world considerations that bothers me the most.

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