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So basically as long as your shart don't stink we're all good. 


Please repeat that k31th but in algebraic notation. 

Edited by Puffwagon
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10 hours ago, Frederick said:

Youre still not acknowledging comfort factors... as women we have periods, boobs, babies, make up, Bras, all sorts of things that we feel more comfortable with not being exposed to a male in a change room or toilet situation...

Fact remains, and you're forgetting... u dont have to commit an assult to be a creep or a predator and make people feel uncomfortable.

As a person who has been 18 big boobed and blonde, I will say I've been made feel so so so uncomfortable by older men...JET particularly!

That is not a nice way to talk of Azz like this Dani... geez.


9 hours ago, Puffwagon said:

That'll do. Same as mercury draught.


Woop 1300 posts! Now where's my chicken dinner?

I hit 2000 in 7mths and didnt even get a like from admin... yeah farrrrk u kiefy

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Keith, you're IT as fark sometimes hey. I don't understand how you can't appreciate that segregated bathrooms provide a "safe space" for women where they can get away from guys and not feel like they're being watched or ogled or feel vulnerable.

I'm with Fluff and puff on this, as much as our overly politically correct society is trying to force us to believe, men and women are different. That doesn't mean one is any less valuable or important than the other or that one should have less opportunity than the other, but men and women ARE fundamentally different.

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What the fhruck happened in here last night :ermm:


I get tagged as the creepy old guy......




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1 hour ago, .Stripes. said:

Keith, you're IT as fark sometimes hey. I don't understand how you can't appreciate that segregated bathrooms provide a "safe space" for women where they can get away from guys and not feel like they're being watched or ogled or feel vulnerable.

I'm with Fluff and puff on this, as much as our overly politically correct society is trying to force us to believe, men and women are different. That doesn't mean one is any less valuable or important than the other or that one should have less opportunity than the other, but men and women ARE fundamentally different.

Why is a toilet considered a "safe space"? it shouldn't ever be considered anything other than a place to "do your business", imho.


Just because it's seen as a "safe space" doesn't necessarily mean that it actually is safe. This is the distinction I made.


The rest is true. Of course men and women are different. Just not different in the waste that we excrete.

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