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2 hours ago, ROB83R said:

Absolute fail of a police force. No wonder there's so much crime where you are Dave. 


My friend put it best, when it changed from a "Police Force" to a "Police Service" stuck under the ministers thumb and beholden to the government of the day, it all started going to sh1t.


There's too much politics nowadays and now one will stand up for the copper.  He had two occasions when absolute D1ckhead's came in and lodged made up complaints and the Sergeant was pandering to the D1ckhead instead of standing up for his fellow officer.


Not too mention if you get hurt, there's no workers compensation, you have have a civil suit against the other person, although you do get a stupid amount of sick leave - 200 days or somewhere around that area - specifically because they don't get workers comp and if they have a serious injury, they need the time off.


When my friend went through, you had to jump over high walls and had to carry a 40 odd KG dummy as part of the fitness regime, soon after they got rid of that because of complaints by some females, iirc it changed to not having to carry the dummy and being able to run around the wall.


This caused a bit of a problem in the ranks because most officers thought, if they were in a situation and their partner is a 5 foot nothing twig that a strong wind would blow over, you would be absolutely f*cked if it turned violent and you had to protect yourself and them. I heard a few stories of officers having their revolver pulled out of the holster, one happened down Bunbury way to a female officer, if it had not been for her partners quick reactions grasping the cylinder and stopping it from moving, that female officer would have been dead for sure. That's why they phased out revolver's for glock's so quickly over here.


Also only having 5,000 odd Police - including non sworn officers or Admin staff - spread across metropolitan and country postings, in an area 1.7 million square KM's with another 1.7 million square KM's of ocean is a f*cking joke.


Now that you also don't have country accommodation paid for, considering the housing climate over here especially when mining was strong, it's no wonder WAPOL are also losing staff or failing to get enough new officers through.


Dudley Moore put it best “The best car safety device is a rear view mirror with a cop in it.”.  Speed camera's don't do jack sh1t, just look at the figure for number of people speeding when the fixed ones near Balcatta first went in.  However a marked Police car does wonders for making people pull their heads in and drive correctly.

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I enjoy overtaking the police cars (on dual lane roads) that everyone else is afraid to.  They usually sit 5 under the limit.


However I never turn to look at them while driving as that would be taking my attention away from the road and inviting a stoppage hahaha.  I also don't drive with one arm locked straight on top of the wheel and my seat reclined to 45°.  I actually rarely look at other drivers anyway unless they are coming the other way or they have a sweet ride and I'm giving them a beep and thumbs up!

Edited by -Stever-
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I was driving my honda van a few days ago and there was a cop going 90 in the 100 zone.


Because the van is a gutless pile of crap that sometimes refuses to engage vtec, I would have had to take a runup and get past him/her at 120 as it was uphill and there was a truck coming 600 metres away.


I decided against that (the van is slow and I would have done the same if not police) and drove behind them where they promptly sped up to the limit.

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29 minutes ago, -Stever- said:

never turn to look at them while driving

not even for a cheeky perve on the hot ones? xD

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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I always look bahaha.
Police uniform adds 10 points of hotness... too bad pretty much the whole of SAPOL are already a minus 10 so it doesnt help em much lol
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1 hour ago, k31th said:

not even for a cheeky perve on the hot ones? xD


Nah but I do take behind shots of them in deli's across from work when I find a pair of female officers in their early 20's wearing tight jeans and send them to a few lads.



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FFS Keith


You had the perfect opportunity and wouldn't have been called out as creeping


1 hour ago, -Stever- said:

Nah but I do take behind shots of them in deli's across from work

k31th: "Pics?"

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