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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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2 hours ago, skidxr6t said:
grrr I have to buy christmas presents too.
mainly the bit about parking at a shopping center that gives me the sh*ts. my car has earned a few door dents since I've bought it :(



57 minutes ago, Ezy2Confuze said:
Yeah I always engrave my drivers license number in two places.  Plus I paid $50 to have it micro dotted when I bought it, which might be overkill but for that price I thought, why not?
Not sure about the other states but in Wait aWhile your DL license number stays with you, no matter how many times you lose it or if you let it lapse whilst overseas etc. as soon as you get it back, it's the same number.  So as soon as someone does a look-up, even if your license is expired, WAPOL knows it's yours.

OK I gotta ask an obvious question with all that happens to u....

Do u live in Detroit?

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I work in East Perth about a good 5 minutes walk from the biggest Police station in the state which houses East Perth lockup.


On the whole we haven't had any problems here, I've been riding to work Monday through Thursday for most weeks since we moved here in March 2011, so I've had a good run.


When we first moved here, we put up screens in our Reception area, we have combination door locks for the downstairs toilets, as before we moved in, there were a few instances of people who had left the lock-up and broke in to sleep in the downstairs toilets, apparently a previous tenants employee was assaulted once.


This is in an area where even basic units go for $500K without a problem. https://www.realestate.com.au/neighbourhoods/east perth-6004-wa so it's not exactly the dregs of Perth.


I must admit though, the last two years since mining jobs disappeared, there seems to be a lot more problems with crime and the meth situation hasn't exactly helped the problem.

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  • Feeling the Love :-)
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27 minutes ago, Frederick said:

Do u live in Detroit?


ever since my inlaws got broken into ( Rosanna, Melbourne) we have been very security conscious.

Always making sure we lock the doors at night or when we leave the house.

we have not been broken into yet (seven different homes) 

During our house reno  5 years ago, we opted for crimsafe window and door screens (and a 1800 to 2000 high fence).

obviously someone can still break a window to get in but most breakins are opportunistic thieves looking for cash or something that can be quickly sold. 

Making it hard to get in will stop the vast majority of would be thieves.

If someone is determined to break in to your house, there is virtually nothing that will stop them, not even a vicious guard dog or security cams.

It's not till after someone close to you has their privacy and house "violated" and they loose some treasured possessions do you understand the importance of simple security measures.

ie: Easy's bike lock, simple but very effective 

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I actually never had contents insurance until about 4 years ago, I just never felt I had anything to steal.


Then I built up the test lab with all my Servers etc. and bought a new 60" TV and decided to get cover for everything.


It helped that the caretaker lived across from my unit and he and his wife were always here, which probably discouraged any problems on this level.  They left the units about this time last year and moved in with family, due to his age.

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  • Feeling the Love :-)
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On 06/12/2016 at 3:45 PM, Ezy2Confuze said:

For the pool owners out there, are they much of a PITA/extra cost?


I've been steering clear of properties with pools so far but if the upkeep etc. isn't too bad, I might revisit that decision.


On 06/12/2016 at 6:05 PM, bloodycrashboy said:

I would go to the pool shop about once a month in the swimming season for water testing and would sometimes spend up to $50.


Just an update for @Ezy2Confuze

went to pool shop for water test (haven't done one since before I went down to Philip Island in October) cos lazy bastard.

all it needed was 500 mls of acid and the chlorinater to be bumped up one click.

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  • Puff
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I've been fixing my pool this week. 


I neglected it for about a month and it turned green. It also gained a few kg of pine needless courtesy of the neighbour. Thank you and get stuffed you karnt.


I only had a floater with one chlorine tab for 20,000 total litres previously. 


I had no idea what I needed to do.


I soon fixed that. 


I bought a 9m vacuum hose, vacuum head, adjustable handle, scooper, algaecide, testing kit, hyclor 2kg super shock chlorine, 1 litre hyclor superfloc, 3kg sodium bisulphate and 4kg sodium bicarbonate.


It came to less than $300.


It took me 3 days to clear it and get the levels right. 


Now it is perfectly clear and smells great.


It also gave me a lot of satisfaction turning a nasty pool into a nice one. 


Lol I suppose it would have been easier and cheaper to drain the pool and draw a cool bath but it's not the same. 

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  • Feeling the Love :-)
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6 hours ago, Puffwagon said:

It also gave me a lot of satisfaction turning a nasty pool into a nice one. 


its a bit like mowing the yard, it can be a bit of a chore in the heat, but the end result brings much pleasure :original: 

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  • All stock bar the k&n panel filter
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Morning all! Christmas has never really been a big thing for me or my family, but the missus gets right into. So last night we made a gingerbread house, something I've never actually done before...so to be honest I was just glad it's stayed standing.




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