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See I park on street parking near carousel...everyone's so busy trying to get a bay near the shops but it takes me less time to walk over than it does others to find a park...plus it's parallel so no door scratches.

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just bumper hits instead with people who don't know how to parallel park. I'd prefer to park next to somebody in a 90/45 spot than a tight parallel spot for that reason alone... but either way it sucks if you get hit.


Also... you're so right about the parking further away thing :) it's worth a 5min walk to park safely, every time.

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Yeah but I'll usually park in the parallel bit that's far away from everyone...there's a section directly opposite the shops that a few people use, then one further back that pretty much no-one uses. I'll select dependant on how busy it is. Makes the shopping trip feel less hectic than if I was jostling for a parking bay.

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this all just reminds me of how many dings/dents etc show up on my red xr6t. haha it's a bit of a let down to wash a car so well then it shows up all of the car park warrior evidence :nod:

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  • skids
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18 minutes ago, .Stripes. said:

See I park on street parking near carousel...everyone's so busy trying to get a bay near the shops but it takes me less time to walk over than it does others to find a park...plus it's parallel so no door scratches.

I just....I can but I just can't parallel park.


haven't parallel parked this BF once hahahahaha.


everywhere should have angled parking omg <3


one clear advantage of parallel parking is if ya have a front n rear dashcam you can record any f-wit who hits you and drives off - unless its on the side of course.

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Its all go go go stripes. Not a time of for relaxing this is why next year we're will be either on a cruise over the Christmas period or overseas.

2 place Hawaii or Canada are the places I have in mind but could change.

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Someone tried stealing my bicycle from work yesterday.

Luckily my 12 year old $80 lock held up. It's lasted 4 bicycles so far & well & truly paid for itself.

I bet they had a bugger of a time considering the temperature yesterday.

People think I'm nuts saying you have to expect something like this at this time of the year, until I point out this is probably the best time to sell bicycles with people being desperate for last minute presents.


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hahah reminds me of a few years ago when I saw a guy trying to bite a lock off on some bikes on display at a shop in fremantle. I won't comment on his ethnicity but he was definitely intoxicated on something LOL.


surely you'd have the bikes frame engraved or otherwise marked? although this could be a problem if the bikes made of some fancy material. so if it did get stolen they have to go to further effort to make it clean.

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Yeah I always engrave my drivers license number in two places.  Plus I paid $50 to have it micro dotted when I bought it, which might be overkill but for that price I thought, why not?


Not sure about the other states but in Wait aWhile your DL license number stays with you, no matter how many times you lose it or if you let it lapse whilst overseas etc. as soon as you get it back, it's the same number.  So as soon as someone does a look-up, even if your license is expired, WAPOL knows it's yours.

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It's morning...just...so morning all. :)


@Pixy Angel I was supposed to go under but plans changed and I was awake for it instead.


I'm familiar with the feeling of stuff stuck in my gum as that was an issue when the teeth were still in. It feels better today so I might be in luck. 


On the topic of new borns, my little one had a sore belly last night so I was up with her until 6am. 


The missus got some sleep last night and I just caught 5 hours then. 


We had to do night and day shifts with one of our boys. I hope that doesn't happen with this baby. 


Flamin kids ay!? Who'd have em?

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