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Hahaha shut ya guts kiefy


Since u got a work car Jamie u should park your car at cms and transfer half your pay each week till its a 500rw monster!!! Good idea?


I head up on the 15th till 4th then back up again 16th of Jan.


as for the ute, hoping 2wks, getting a few things fixed up end of next week having everything torqued up and flushing everything then booking in to see joe for a 98 tune and catch up with Dan aka (walker) and that's the truth atm hahaha poor farker. 

Edited by BAXRTUTE
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Wish I had 500 to give them a week. Would be alot of fun haha.

Wow that sounds like a good chunk of time off. Good work mate.

Aww I heard he was gonna have to walk soon. That poor ute just sitting there haha. Sounds good mate can't wait to see the results for all the effort.

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It finally happened - I thought the stories of stuff like this happening were all made up.


I'll try and show step by step what a client must have just done to send me an order:


1. Write me an email (but not send it)

2 Email has an attachment

3 Print off that email (but not the attachment)

4 Take a photo of the printed email

5 Upload the photo to the computer

6 Email me the photo.


(after I let him know that I still needed the attachment...., he:)


7 Print off the attachment

8 Take a photo of the attachment

9 Upload the attachment to the computer

10 Email me the photo.


I'm sure there was a logical explanation for all this, but WOW

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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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Should have put a fax step in there somewhere

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  • WOT?
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Faxes are how he usually sends orders in (we usually get them twice for each order and a phonecall saying it's not going through)

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I got a call from a Team Leader today, "Eevery time I take the phone off speakerphone it hangs up" then he hangs up. Got another call "see what I mean", hangs up, get a third call "it did it again", hangs up.

I pay him a visit, take the handset off the cradle, call my mobile & select speakerphone, swap between speakerphone off & on, no worries.

He puts the handset back on the cradle, calls my mobile then presses the speakerphone button to take it off speakerphone. I then try explain to him that the handset is on the cradle which is why it's hanging up. I get "but it's always worked before". I then explain about three times how that's not possible & are you sure you haven't been hitting the hold button.

I then put it down to him being nervous as one of the Executive Directors is going to sit with him for an hour to learn about what goes on in the team.

The Exec. is actually a pretty cool dude considering the rumor is he's on around the $400,000 pay scale & is apparently very highly thought of in the Finance industry.

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