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24 minutes ago, Rab said:


Garbage - If I can get one single person to renounce BBQ sauce and expand their tastes to experience the glory that is available when they look beyond the drivel that the Supermarkets offer I will rest easy.


I'm all for trying different sauces and evaluating their legitimacy...all I'm saying is that I still like BBQ sauce.

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37 minutes ago, .Stripes. said:

I feel I should point out here that there's a fair few of us on a similar wavelength to Keith with this topic...does that scare anyone else a little bit? :couch3:

It was only a matter of time... my plan is coming together :riot:

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37 minutes ago, MattyP said:

Get outta here insulting our Lord and savior bbq sauce


I've got no time for those who preach some popularist sauce made up from ideas stolen from other, more ancient and pure sauces to further the political and financial ideals of those in power.


"Sauce of the People" - give me a break. You just need to look at the ingredients without bias and with an open mind to see that it's an invented sauce, with bits added and taken away over the years to try and make it more palatable to the current consumer.


FFS- "low salt" and "gluten free" BBQ Sauce is now available.


Tell me this - if your precious BBQ Sauce was the one true lord and saviour and so perfect - then why the need to have different versions of it?


Don't get me wrong - you're welcome to continue to  indulge in whatever tastes you fancy - but keep it in your own cupboard, and if I ever catch you trying to force it down my kids throats or interfere with their weiners then we'll have a problem.


All I ask is that people open their minds to the idea that a single, relatively bland deity may be holding them back.


Come and enjoy the full pantheon of sauces









Edited by Rab
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18 minutes ago, Rab said:


I've got no time for those who preach some popularist sauce made up from ideas stolen from other, more ancient and pure sauces to further the political and financial ideals of those in power.


"Sauce of the People" - give me a break. You just need to look at the ingredients without bias and with an open mind to see that it's an invented sauce, with bits added and taken away over the years to try and make it more palatable to the current consumer.


FFS- "low salt" and "gluten free" BBQ Sauce is now available.


Tell me this - if your precious BBQ Sauce was the one true lord and saviour and so perfect - then why the need to have different versions of it?


Don't get me wrong - you're welcome to continue to  indulge in whatever tastes you fancy - but keep it in your own cupboard, and if I ever catch you trying to force it down my kids throats or interfere with their weiners then we'll have a problem.


All I ask is that people open their minds to the idea that a single, relatively bland deity may be holding them back.


Come and enjoy the full pantheon of sauces











Why do you have so many different versions of it then?


Hickory and brown sugar bbq sauce? Please...


Looking at that sauce collection it is plain to see many different versions of "bbq" sauce.


With the glaringly obvious truth presented to you, there are no options left but to bow at the Altar of BBQ SAUCE!!! :devil:

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8 minutes ago, Puffwagon said:

Hickory and brown sugar bbq sauce? Please...



Marinade for wings and ribs ;)

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