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7 minutes ago, k31th said:

agnostic is just a copout :nyaah: 

anti-theist is my point of view. if it is true, I wouldn't want to be a part of it (any religion).

atheist is an acceptable position to be defined by.

scientific minds don't much think about religion (for the most part) so it's just a non-issue :spoton:


3 minutes ago, Frederick said:

I feel im too logical to believe in any religion really, however I also believe its ignorant 100% to say that any religion or creation theory is impossible or wrong as no one knows the answer.
that's the thing... no one knows... so anyone who can say they 100% believe in their religion ir athiest views is imo ignorant to a degree or scared of not having an answer.
I however have no issues with others who need something like a religion to believe in or choose to... as long as their behaviours and actions arent hurting others.

U can believe in a big green gooby monster as your god if u want... if it doesnt hurt anyone I dont care.



Athiests are becoming the new mormans... so sure of their beliefs of something or disbelief of something, and will ram that down your throat.
But just like everyone else they dont know the answer ;)




^WSS. I would identify myself as agnostic. I grew up going to church and having a faith in God, but I've come to the point where I'm indifferent as to whether there is a God or not...but even if there is, I'm not convinced he/she/it would give a sh*t about my day to day life.


I'm a geologist, so old earth theory is kinda my thing...but I never really saw much of an issue with people believing in a younger earth, as even when I was going to church I figured that if God was powerful and smart enough to speak creation into existence then he'd create an inhabitable earth for his creation to live on...which, technically, would need to be geologically 'old'. People get hung up on the fact that rocks K-Ar date at billions of years old as evidence that the earth wasn't created more recently...well, no. In order to survive on the earth we need food, shelter, water etc...which means you need soil and sand etc, I.e. sedimentary rocks/clays/soils...which form as a product of the breakdown and weathering of igneous and metamorphic rocks (I.e. lava/magma - e.g. granite) over millions of years. So, technically, even if the earth was created relatively recently for people to live on, it wouldn't K-Ar date at geological age 0, as that would mean this all powerful and all knowing God threw his creation onto an earth covered in freshly solidified lava...ouch.


I don't have a problem with people having their faith and beliefs...I just take issue with people who take the bible literally, as many of the books and letters in the bible were written for a specific group of people in a specific region of the world in a specific time period to address potential issues relating to their specific social and political context. I therefore don't subscribe to the notion that it should be taken literally, but rather contextually. I still feel there's a lot of great moralistic values within the bible...but I also think there's a lot of messed up stuff in there too.


At the end of the day though, as Fluff said, no-one can know 100%. So I think it's a bit naive and arrogant to argue your stance with total certainty and completely discount other potential scenarios.

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Believe what you want... who cares... just keep it to yourself. To "believe" is just the default position and humanity's best effort to figure out "what it all means" but science has been proving itself over and over that belief is just not good enough anymore and will continue to do so. A statement of the existence of something un-provable and asking to 'prove it' is just a non-helpful question and one science has no care to even try to answer :spoton:

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13 minutes ago, k31th said:

Believe what you want... who cares... just keep it to yourself. To "believe" is just the default position and humanity's best effort to figure out "what it all means" but science has been proving itself over and over that belief is just not good enough anymore and will continue to do so. A statement of the existence of something un-provable and asking to 'prove it' is just a non-helpful question and one science has no care to even try to answer :spoton:

Im choking on the ironing of this statement 

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I'm sorry if you're incapable of having a reasoned argument.


My statement applies to all of the people who push their beliefs on others. I don't push my beliefs on anybody, I just state facts. You can believe whatever you want.

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1 hour ago, k31th said:


scientific minds don't much think about religion (for the most part) so it's just a non-issue :spoton:

I think a quick Google would find a large number of scientists who disagreed with that. A number even whose study of science lead them to faith in God.


1 hour ago, k31th said:

anti-theist is my point of view. if it is true, I wouldn't want to be a part of it (any religion).


That's actually one of the most honest things I've heard someone say on the topic.  You hear a lot of "I don't believe in God because he does this/allows this/the church does this/etc" which is a bit like saying "I don't like the stuff Donald Trump does, therefore I don't believe he exists" 

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Beliefs either way are fine... just state them on facebook or somewhere else that is not the car forum :)


Tends to get too heated or at least results in pages of TL;DR that need to be scrolled past by the people that come here to sh*tpost and have fun talking cars or jokes etc.

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1 minute ago, El Andrew said:

I think a quick Google would find a large number of scientists who disagreed with that. A number even whose study of science lead them to faith in God.

In the US, the percentage of Atheist (or similar standpoint) vs Theist is basically completely reversed when taking into account the general public vs scientists (roughly 10%-90% in public and 90%-10% scientists)... and the US is a strongly religious country... so because you can find a few examples of something doesn't mean that it's the majority :) the numbers are only swinging in the direction I state (for scientists)... the swing is much more slow in the general public but is most certainly headed that way; mostly thanks to the internet.

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I had a couple of older ladies knock on my door today trying to give me a watchtower pamphlet.


I respectfully declined and after they cooed over my daughter's lovely curly hair they went on their way, promising to try again in a few months.


In other news after my car axle tramped like a bitch at the drags the other day it has picked up a nasty vibration when taking off.


Looks like I'll be jacking it tomorrow and getting dirty...the car that is :)

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