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Right. Well since my previous update we spoke on the phone for like an hour and a half on Monday night. She's off to Bali today until next week, but when she gets back she fly's off for a site visit for work 2 days later, for like 10 days or something. When she mentioned that I said that pretty much means she's away for my entire next break...but she said she wants to try catch up on the Thurs night or Fri morning before she leaves for her work trip.


We had a bit of a shorter chat on Wednesday night (still an hour) and she said some stuff I thought was positive, but still not sure hey. We've spoken about movies to watch and sh*t previously so I just said that if she does want to catch up on the Thurs night then she's more than welcome to come watch Deadpool (which she hasn't seen) or something and she said she was thinking that something chill like that would be good, but didn't lock anything in and kinda said we'll figure it out when she gets back.


So yeah...still really not sure where I stand at all hey. I wanna just take her at her word and assume that the fact she hasn't completely blown me off and started ignoring me is a sign that she's possibly interested...or she's just playing the long game and hoping I'll lose interest or something? It sucks with her being sick and then our work rosters lining up the way they have dragging this stage out so long. Coz if we don't meet up next week then it'll be like a month between dates...

Edited by .Stripes.
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7 minutes ago, mightbuyaford said:


do you instigate the conversations, does she or a bit of both??

Well she's said she's not a big texter, was pretty upfront about that early on. So I try not to push that. I guess I've probably been initiating more so the last couple of times, but as follow-up to stuff she's said while on the phone. Either way though, sent her a "have a good trip" type message this morning (which she replied to) and figure it's probably best I just leave it at that and see if she gets in contact when she gets back.

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Yeah. Surely though, if she wasn't interested she'd just cut ties and not chat on the phone or anything...like why bother putting in any effort at all if there's nothing there? Especially after saying "I think everything went pretty well" after the first date...


Either way, definitely feels like it's dragging on a bit now though. Joys of FIFO I guess...

Edited by .Stripes.
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