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Need some advice guys. My car has been playing up recently. I'll try describe the problem as best I can and no it's not in my head. Basically there feels like there's resistance while accelerating and I'm getting some feedback through the pedal, a very slight vibration noticeable at lower speeds. It's not lacking power as such but the delivery isn't as smooth. It is not missing, idles normal. No codes. Checked for vacuum leaks with a pressure tester and was reading normal. I did do some work on the car before this issue started happening which involved changing the fuel filter, cleaning the throttle body and the MAP sensor and cleaned boost solenoid. Could I have disrupted something in the process? Already tried resetting the ECU to no avail. I'm not entirely sure it's engine related though. Perhaps transmission or driveline? Diff? Bushes? Almost at 20000km now so is there anything I should be looking for before getting it checked out?


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Haha if only. Forgot to mention when I get off the pedal and let it coast it starts slowing down fairly quick, more so than before. Like it's dragging. Might throw it up on a hoist and get someone to have a look. I know if I take it to Ford they will try tell me there is nothing wrong with it so they won't have to replace anything through warranty  

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14 hours ago, arronm said:

Recheck all the components you serviced before the issue started. Especially throttle

Had a look and everything seems to be in order. All clamps are tight. I was initially thinking it could have been the MAP sensor or TPS but usually a fault with those would throw a code and make the car idle rough. Damn cars...

Edited by kokentoe
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Yeah didn't wanna start a new thread and the bloody "known issues fg xr6t" thread is still stuffed . Car is still acting weird. Now the rpms aren't consistent with throttle input. They are sticking instead of dropping back down smoothly after letting off the throttle. For example when I press the pedal really quick and let off, the needle will jump to 3k and hold there.

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