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  • I <3 Floods
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In other news and I know I'm technically double posting but the two posts are substantially different topics.

My boss is an arse hole. A very fair arse hole. He treats you well but he expects a pound of flesh.

So since being in his company I've risen through the ranks to being a shareholder and a pretty decent salary. Plus OT, cars, allowances etc.

I've just been offered another job. less money.. actually a lot less money. But it's back in the government. A chance to slow down. Focus on myself and my family for a while and get my health back on track. Not hurrying to get junior into bed so I can break out the computer and keep working.

I'm basically leaning towards selling it to my boss as me taking a holiday to get my health back on track. Then re-assess in 6-12months about coming back. Basically trying to not burn bridges.

Reckon you fellas would buy it if you were the businessman.

My main problem is my contract includes a non-compete. So technically I can't work in this profession in this state if I can't get him to waive that clause of my contract.

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Hmmm, hard one Brendo.

It sounds like you're pretty well setup financially (in that you don't have a very large mortgage, given how well you saved previously), so it comes down to why you work. Do you work to live, or live to work? If you're comfortable taking the pay cut, it's burning you out and stressing you out then perhaps it's time to slow down, relax and enjoy the time with your family.

Tough situation with respects to selling it to your boss. Maybe have a chat with him and lay your cards on the table and explain WHY you're considering it? He may even come up with a counter to with your work/life balance while staying where you are. Need to ask yourself if you'll be happy working where you are too. If you'll be miserable at the gumbyment, then it's not worth it because that'll effect the rest of your life.

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  • loitering with intent
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Family and health first, that's the easy bit. Hindsight is a wonderful thing. Trust me on that.

Mate you are having a bet each way. If you were your current boss what would you say?

If no then your options maybe limitd

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  • I <3 Floods
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See as a mate I can't see my boss rejecting my request. But as a businessman it's a different story.

But yeah my mind is basically made up. Example: currently I am slowing down the amount of work I do. So I only worked to midnight 3 nights this week.

So yeah stripes for a long time I have been living to work. Now I need to change that because I've been to burnout point and beyond more than once.

Basically since I finished highschool I have worked and taken very few decent holidays. Then I change jobs and get paid out and reset the holiday leave owing.

Rinse and repeat.

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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Ok I will read the long posts when I'm sober

But for now

Yep I decided I want another rexxy

Jet said I can't have a black one

But I want either a black or white one

Both look soooo good

If I get one I'm keeping in forever as a weekender

Biggest regret is selling both my rexxys

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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Yep I fit one in a brz

Rexxy = much easier hahahaha

I am getting the brz serviced next week and my old dealer principal works there so I may have to have a word to her about putting a demo bonus on a new car for all those cars I made her money on ;)

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Seen 2 today....I really have the urge to buy one... But I'd want a T still. But with brembos n chit...convincing the missus to trade the g6 would be hard. She loves that thing for a lot of sentimental reasons....

Ill need to sleep on it..

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