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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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Deflect blame

Figure out a way to tell him without telling him

Then all parties win

Except her ️Lololol

Ok well I'll play Devils advocate

Not condoning the actions at all just saying :

Do u know this 100%

If so do u know that their relatonship isn't abusive or that he is not for example making her stay because he bribes her with threats or even physical abuse

Do u know they aren't in an open relationship and just don't tell others about it so your assuming she's cheating but don't really know

Do u know that she isnt previously mentally scared because he has cheated on her

Are u there every night to watch them interact and know what their lives are like otherwise

If the answer is no then stfu

It's got nothing to do with u

U have no idea what happens behind closed doors and what u could be f*cking up for more than one person

Unless u are going to pick up the pieces then u have no right to pull the trigger on the gun unless u know all facts and figures

And if he does this and he hypothetically is unstable, has an episode, and ends up beating her to a pulp or killing Her ?

Not condoning as I said

But This person isn't his best mate who he knows how to deal with

This is by all accounts almost a stranger

My last partner was abusive

I'm no flower

But when a 120kg guy throws u on the ground for changing the tv channel then kicks you in the guts until his brother happens to walk in and stops him , you think differently about people's situations

(Cue the jokes about not being able to change the channel)

I felt trapped for so long. After having a miss carriage and not even seeing him walk in the hospital to say hello I finally got strength and hung out with friends, I met jet, and before anything ever happened he accused me of cheating, big whoop if I did, but I didn't, he became a nightmare

I was already moving out at this stage

But he to all our friends seemed like a legend

Great partner

Great bloke



After a while he wasn't to me anymore

U know what if I did cheat on him I wouldn't have an ounce of remorse

But if someone told him when we were together

I might not be alive

U never know what can of worms your opening for someone else

Be wary is all I'm saying

Did you just have some kind of episode?

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Very wise words fluff...and I'm sorry to hear of your abusive relationship its great you gtfo alive.

Now all you got to do is put up with the wombat plug. Winning..

Edited by barnz
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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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Yeah I guess I did Ralph

Sometimes u get so caught up in what I think I should say between how u actually feel about a situation

Sincere apologies for the inconvenience

Edited by Princess Whinginator
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  • I <3 Floods
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Been there mate.

Was different.. I was good mates with him in school, good mates with her after school and when they started dating I was good mates with them both.

He did the dirty on her I had been convinced by others. Everyone liked her she was such a sweet girl. Didn't deserve that.

I told her.. he turned up at my place swearing black and blue he hadn't done anything. To say I destroyed my friendship with both of them is an understatement.

They got married.

This was 6 years ago.

Slowly I've started to build a friendship with them both again.

Only this year did I find out from her that he actually admitted to cheating. They had other issues but cared about each other a lot. They worked through it.

But they both still blamed me for almost ruining their relationship.

Go f*cking figure

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This is why I'm single.

Tell the poor cnut.



....but now I actually don't mind it (when they aren't trying to copy UK episodes lol). After you watch a few, they are actually sometimes funny....and Tanner Foust is a sick driver (I guess drifters do make sh*t look easy).

Have tried to watch full episodes but just end up flicking through them.

Fat twat annoys the bejeezuz out of me.
Tanner is a pompous twat.
'Comedian" dude is an unfunny twat.
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What would you do?

Wife's friend has been ding the dirty on her husband for a few years now. I know both of them and have for 10 year or so.

Would you let the husband now or say nothing?

Me, I think he has the right to know I would like if it was happening to me but at the same time I dont give a f*#k none of my business.

Its just a matter of time before she gets caught out and her worlds gets turn up side down.

Anonymous email - Hotmail, Gmail, etc.

To her. Not him.

"Tell him... or I will. And the way that I'll tell it won't be as nice as how you'll tell it."

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  • 777
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What would you do?

Wife's friend has been ding the dirty on her husband for a few years now. I know both of them and have for 10 year or so.

Would you let the husband now or say nothing?

Me, I think he has the right to know I would like if it was happening to me but at the same time I dont give a f*#k none of my business.

Its just a matter of time before she gets caught out and her worlds gets turn up side down.

Catch 22 mate! You misses knows what her mate is up to too?

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Yes my wife knows a lot because wifes friends (cheater) tells her but as I tell the wife people only tell you what they want you to hear and will never get the full story.

Im out not my business Yes we know each other but do we hang out have drinks together.........NO. All I can do is wish them well. Good luck

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