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  • WOT?
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Mine gets turned on maybe once or twice a month. (14yo son)

Those who whinged years ago about the TV cutting into family quality time would be wishing to have it back like it used to be :P

Everyone's pretty much able to find their own entertainment now, instead of being forced to settle for what the traditional media served up to us in the lounge room.

Family meal times and proper bed times and it's not actually too bad. We actually talk more about the things we've found and that we think the other would be interested in rather than just stare dumbly at the screen while whatever crap sitcom is on.

Next step I can see the TV getting used in the future a bit more and us sharing the lounge again with streaming - as it gets easier and more "normal" I can see us finding common interest things to watch again.

Interests seem to vary quite frequently too now. One week it might be a certain game, the next a certain series or program etc. Means if something isn't much chop it doesn't get hung onto for long.

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Haha fair enough I guess...still, despite the fact I didn't really grow up with internet until mid high school (who remembers loading porn on 56k dial-up?) would be hard to imagine life without it now.

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  • WOT?
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  • Member For: 12y 7d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Frankston, 3199

Or when mum calls and the download breaks :(

70mb Diablo trial version - took me 2 days and several failed downloads to finally get.

Road Rash was "only" 28 meg but was well worth the effort it took telling people not to call the phone while it came down the line.

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