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  • Sucker
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It's really quite frightening. Fck civil liberties, assume every one is guilty until proven innocent regardless of skin colour/dress/religion until these grubs are weeded-out.

And how's the poor little parasite whinging about the cops giving him a bit of a touch-up when being arrested. After the sh*t you disgraceful animals get up to you have no rights to be treated like a human being.

But what they have done now is strengthened everyone's resolve and although old mate Tones was ridiculed for it, the Team Australia ideology just got a sh*tload stronger.

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  • MattyP
  • Cruise Control
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Killing because my god is more peaceful than yours is unbelievably childish.

Islam is going through what Christianity was like in the middle ages. Medieval ideology with modern weaponry.

If any of you have read the quran or parts off you'll get an understanding on why this is happening. Their holy book taken literally is terrifying.

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  • WOT?
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So's the bible - old testament especially

Personally - all religion can disappear up it's own arse as far as I'm concerned, but these arseholes would still be arseholes regardless - without any imaginary sky fairy to be doing it in the name of.

(to a point - "For god/allah/beelzebub*" is a far stronger rallying cry than "For Ford/Collingwood/Manchester United" and even those ones can cause tempers to be raised, blood spilt and friendships to be ended)

It is very scary though - the idea of any random stranger being dragged out of their daily life in suburbia and beheaded is scarier (and closer to home) than the idea that a bomb may go off somewhere at sometime.

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I have Muslim mates (lebos) and even they think it's bullsh*t. only hate they have is for the Jews. same god just one has a bigger nose or some sh*t. anyway they said they can see the same sh*t that happened in cronalla happening around the country. if the community of Muslims are worried about having there god/name punished for these farkwits then they should as a community of Muslims should fark these idiots off that tarnish there god/name. my mates are great people, great aussies and would never pass up on the opportunity to live in this fine FINE country. only problem with them is they go for the Canterbury bulldogs. my 2 cents. farken lebos :D lolol

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  • MattyP
  • Cruise Control
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I'm a pastafarian rab.

I have been touched by his noodly appendage and you all will too.

But on a serious note. I say the same about the Bible. Count the deaths that God does and it runs into the millions. Ever want to turn a child of Christianity read them the whole bible. No preacher manipulating the words just read it to them in raw form.

The problem with Islam is that most don't take the quran literally but there are some that do and that's what isis is. They can justify their actions with their holy books.

It's 2014, I really thought we'd be done with this nonsense by now


And one last point

Your religion doesn't make you a better or worse person. The individuals actions do

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  • WOT?
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Your religion doesn't make you a better or worse person. The individuals actions do

The dicks doing the atrocities will use the exact same quote

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  • Sucker
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if the community of Muslims are worried about having there god/name punished for these farkwits then they should as a community of Muslims should fark these idiots off that tarnish there god/name.

This exactly. UK muslim leaders all issued fatwas or whatever it's called against ISIL/IS, but none of the locals have. Why? Makes no fckn sense.

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I'm sorry guys but I'm not buying into all this sh*t. The threat is no greater or worse than it has been for years.

There's a bigger picture at play and we're getting feed what we need so we tow the line.

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