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Great bike Stripes, I have a mate who has one but it's set up for track days only, he loves it !

Just a thought , maybe sell it and buy a enduro bike with a motard set up.

The most fun you can have with your pants on.

I go off-road riding with some mates(great for fitness) and then we fit motard wheels and go out looking for the tightest, ugliest corners we can find (roundabouts are fun)

Should have done it years ago!!!

Yeah motard would be awesome fun...but none of my mates have these sorts of bikes, so kinda not the same going by myself.

Same boat as Stripes

Have only put the helmet on a few times in the last 18 months, but am loathe to offload the bike because it isn't costing me anything and I know full well how hard it would be to grab another further down the track.

Will make a concerted effort to get it out as soon as the weather turns a bit better and re-ignite the interest/passion.

Was a lot easier when I was driving the Pajero. With the XR6T I'm finding my needs for a bit of acceleration and fun are mostly being sated without having to don the leathers.

Yeah I guess that's how I feel these days Rab. The GT tends to satisfy my need for acceleration, noise etc without having to squeeze into my jacket, pants, gloves etc (not that they actually fit at the moment anyway...hence dietitian). I did love getting out on the bike for a nice blat, but my bike is pretty much a track bike with indicators...it's great fun if you're gettin' up it on a hills run...but I'm so mindful of not knowing what's coming around the corner when riding on the road (I.e. sand patch/honkey nuts mid corner etc). Not to mention my bike has race headers on it now (I.e. no CAT)...I was a bit clueless at the time, didn't realise the fine is so large if you're caught without one...oops :ermm: Plus it's kinda loud...sounds mean though! I still have the original headers, but would mean I'd need to get the bike retuned if I refitted them...

Howdy Panda all good here hows your end?

Stripes that's a keeper mate only if you can. I know what you guys are going through I did the same when I sold my GT Cobra didnt want to but happy wife happy life............LMFAO sad day when it left.

Thanks mate, it is a really nice bike and was the one I always wanted. Was my treat to myself when I first started working after uni.

Striper, I hit mid 20's and pigged up deluxe. I was a skinny( sinewy)bastard until then. What ever exercise/activities you enjoy stick with them.

I got married and stopped playing squash, cut down on martial arts,exercise overall, etc focused on career and making money. for the family.

Uncle Buf says one thing, it goes on easy and it's a bastard to get rid of. You don't want to end up being called a farkin big thing

if you can avoid it early.

I miss squash! Used to play a few times a week up on site, had a good crew with a bunch of people who played...they all kinda disappeared though. Really need to get back into it!

Yeah, I'm at the point where people are commenting...so life needs to change. I'm not much enjoying being the big carnt :(

Edited by .Stripes.
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hitting the gym hard for 1.5 -2 hrs every morning at 4.15am the last 3 weeks and only eating good food and no piss and it has made a big difference. feel good and have heaps of energy and losing around 2-3 kgs a week. :D

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Good sh*t biz! Yeah Az I really should hit the gym with you a few times a break, no doubt you'd make it so I'm hardly able to drive home after haha.

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  • Hench, but no longer shredded or tanned.
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Ye mate im right in the middle of a big ethusiasm kick with the gym feeling great so id give ya a walloping with the weights, you might not wanna go again :(

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  • I'm getten too old for this s**t
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My God you lot get up early

Morning :)

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Sooooo my housemate is doing a PhD and has just figured out he potentially can't afford to keep renting when our lease is up in October so will probably move back home...this is somewhat inconvenient for me...

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