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  • Member For: 11y 6m 25d
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Good luck Velocity - is it pretty much a given you'll get it?

Going full hillbilly with a gun rack on the back window? :P

Can't believe it's Friday already - the weeks lately have been starting real slow and dragging on - then hitting the weekend all of a sudden. By Wednesday I'm over the week already - next thing I know the weekend is upon us.

Edited by raband
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Hell yeah raband. First thing I'll do after I get the licence is sell the XR and buy one of these.


It's more a pain to get. The test is easy I sat it a year ago. You need to have a hunting licence or be part of a shooters club. Apart from that it's very similar to applying for a passport. As long as you aren't a prohibited person it's not a problem.

Edited by _Velocity_
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