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  • Sucker
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Nah...got scared.

Do you enjoy making cakes for events? It's one thing I've always intentionally avoided so as to not just be expected to do it all the time.

Used to have arguments with my brother just about every christmas when the "you're a chef" line would get dragged out to justify why I should be doing everything. But when challenged with the "put down your beer and wire up some lights" line he'd sort of get my point.

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  • I <3 Floods
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Oddly enough I'd rather make a cake for a complete stranger than I would family or friends..

I quite enjoy making the cakes.. But I hate doing it when people just expect you to do it..

I don't think enough people appreciate the time it takes though.. I can work 5 hours and clear as much as a cheap wedding cake.. But if I tried to charge someone actual hours that a wedding cake took they'd have a fit.

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  • Sucker
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I hear ya.

My last gig was a white choc mud cake for a friend of a friend's wedding. Gave specific instructions about keeping it cool which apparently translates to leaving it in the boot of a car in summer while we go shopping. White chocolate ganache and vomit are hard to tell apart when it splits. :pinch:

I ruined their day apparently.

So yeah...fck that.

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  • I <3 Floods
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Lol.. I used to have those arguments with chefs all the time..

Full white iced traditional cake 'Dont put it in the fridge' which they did and it attracted moisture and all the icing turned to slop.

Next cake was chocolate ganache.. 'Put it in the fridge' which they didn't because last time I told them not to.. Left it next to an oven.

Edit: I was also a big believer that if a cake can ruin your 'special' day that relationship had problems from the start..

Edited by Slightly Depressed Panda
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Yeah that fridge does look good, if you regulary hand out free passes to your bot bot

Welcome anytime for drinks MS

Does it come with its own topless waitress?

NO but if you all put $50 im sure we could get someone.

Afternoon finished and now starts my weekend.

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  • Not pregnant
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Pazz is currently on the train to go pick up his car from Ford, after it played up AGAIN. He's worked hard today, and is probably sweaty, but he says he's sprayed deodorant to mask the stench of man.

He's getting quite offended though, because no one wants to sit next to him. Not even he guy talking to himself that's standing near the door. If Pazz had feelings I think they would be hurt right now.

He says there are too many weirdos on the train.

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