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  On 23/05/2013 at 5:36 PM, The Outsider said:

I was born in Russia, I came here when I was 8.

I am now 31.

this IS my country.

I dare you to challenge me on that.

all the people calling out for sending them back or not letting them in

here is an eye opener


now tell me how you stop this?

as far as this goes

perfect way to inspire more crazies, just what we need. :facepalm:

while im as outraged as the rest of you, maybe a bit of rational thinking would be a better way to tackle these issues.

You know what, and this isn't meant to be a personal attack at you, but I don't care if it incites more f*cking crazies just do the same to them if that's how they want to play the game, this guy was a soldier but he didn't do anything to warrant such a horrific attack on himself, and I don't care if your aussie, yank, russian, sudanese or muslim ,anybody does something like this in the name of some higher being then it should be done back and shown to the rest of the f*cked up people in this world that want to play this game.

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and probably the best. any new addition will give you that.

Enjoy. I've been divorced for well over a decade but my ex and I share something really special.

our kids.

If having a natural birth , slip the Doc a few bucks to put in some extra stitches

for ongoing enjoyment

Edited by Buf-Phoon
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