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  • I <3 Floods
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Photos are starting to come in at work..

Think I'm gonna get real busy for a while.. So far just in the areas we usually handle alot of government work in we are up to 6 bridges completely missing.. and probably another 10 damaged.. Some of those probably aren't worth repairing..

Oh.. And whole sections of road have just disappeared..

Edited by Slightly Inebriated Panda
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  • Not pregnant
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Just found out our server in Sydney caught fire over the weekend, which is why I can't do any work at the moment.

SIP I hope they bring in extra people to help you with that.

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  • I <3 Floods
  • Silver Donating Members
  • Member For: 13y 1m 20d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: South West QLD

Geez ralphy.. That won't be fun to clean up..

Here's a few pics that have hit my emails labelled 'Urgent' this morning..




There used to be a bridge here:


There also used to be a bridge here:


And finally this one.. Which had me sh*tting meself.. Because I designed the bank of culverts through here.. Mad digging through some old paperwork this morning I was safe as I had a very clear direction that it only had to withstand an ARI 1 in 10 year event.. Considering this thing was over 1 in 100.. I think I'm safe..


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