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The Off Topic Thread.


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  • I <3 Floods
  • Silver Donating Members
  • Member For: 13y 6m 4d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: South West QLD

Alright.. Well picture this Paulie.. from backdoor of house.. You had about 3m of courtyard.. Then there was a 9' high retaining wall and a set of steps leading to the upper part of the backyard (Where the grass was.. and trees and clothesline)..

However retaining wall only ran 2/3 of the width of the backyard.. and on the far left side was a ridiculously steep sloping path.. So the women could push their laundry trolley up to the clothes line I assume..

Beside that path at an also ridiculous slope was a raised garden bed.. Of which the cheap solution to get the yard tidied up by the previous tenants was to throw down weed matting and about 4 inches of those white pebbles..

Wait it gets better..

They didn't actually cut down into the top soil on effectively there was nothing retaining this massive amount of pebbles..

Remember all the rain QLD got back in 2010? I was constantly battling the pebbles getting washed down.. So I just kept shovelling them back into the garden.. Rain mixed with dog trying to rip up the weed matting made it a really difficult feat.. Then finally.. The problem solved itself.. The bottom part of the garden bed was about 2 feet off the ground.. When it was absolutely pissing rain the dog decided he was gonna go have a great go at tugging on the bottom of the weed matting trying to pull it down.. Whether the dog caused his or not but there was a bit of a landslide and the entire first section of weed matt, all the pebbles on top of it and a good chunk of soil tumbled down on top of the dog..

He never pulled at the weed matting again after that..

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