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Tough life SIP.. Got the CBF's with my own work. Its nearly torture setting here looking over Albert Park and the bay. Can see a couple of Jetski going nuts, I want to be doing that!!

Really Stainless?? I just got my comp upgraded with more ram so might have to enquire about upgrading cad

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  • I <3 Floods
  • Silver Donating Members
  • Member For: 13y 1m 21d
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  • Location: South West QLD

Whup Scratch that..

Just been given a traffic analysis and growth study combined with planning layouts..

Apparently this has been sitting in someone's in basket for 3 months and it's due next week..

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  • I see a red door and I want to paint it black
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  • Member For: 14y 10m 28d
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  • Location: Far north queensland

what's reasonable to ask for if they want me to work from home, company will be saving 40% of the rent on an office and warehouse if I sign the dotted line

my thoughts are I have a 4 bedroom house and will need to make 1 bedroom into an office/storage area.

was gunna ask for

25% of mortgage, rates, internet and power bill (approx $150/week)

100% of any phone/fax line costs as I only have mobile

100% of any office hardware and consumables

they will counter with an offer of

0% of mortgage, rates, internet and power bill

x% of any phone/fax line costs as I only have mobile

100% of any office hardware and consumables

and tell me to claim the rest on tax

don't want that and also may cause complications with first home buyers shiz

Anyone been down this path before?

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  • I <3 Floods
  • Silver Donating Members
  • Member For: 13y 1m 21d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: South West QLD

Mate.. Firs tup.. They won't pay landline etc because there is complications with time periods etc..

So maybe a compromise there is a 4G wireless modem/Router.. which they can take back if you ever quit.. And is on a 2 year plan with a decent whack of downloads.. This also saves complication if you ever want your own phone line/broadband installed in the house..

Instead of charging rent as that becomes a complication, negotiate an increase in salary to offset the additional cost (Your $150ish per week figure).. Because if you charge rent you'd need to get an ABN and bill them.. Which is a headache you don't really want..

Consumables etc they should be 100% for..

As far as office set up, desk, chair etc.. They should be 100% on that provided they take back the assets if you ever quit.. If they aren't 100% see if you can negotiate a fixed fee they pay towards the set up.. But everything stays yours..

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  • I see a red door and I want to paint it black
  • Donating Members
  • Member For: 14y 10m 28d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Far north queensland

Sounds like a plan, have yearly negs with the state boss next thursday, might hit him up for my desired increase plus a couple hunjie a week and barter from there. Global economic downturn card will be played, I'm willing to barter away a few things but still have a few cards to play from my own hand as well.

phone line could be a sticking point, might see if the bill can be set up in their name or something

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