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Guest XR09
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Morning all.

So over this farken rain. Surf is crap. What to do.

Meant to be taking this lady to lunch. Nice lady, a bit normal for me though. Thinking I might have to wash the cat, Would have to buy a cat first. I'd borrow the kids one but it's feral.

Really might have to slow down this partying soon. I cant tell if it's my broken back or kidney's that are screaming in pain any more. Probably both.

God I was strait for far too long

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Guest XR09
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Sheesus fellow squirrels.

I don't take things very seriously very often. Fark. Just got a phone call, a mate tried to neck himself last night.

Sure I have mentioned him on this site. Had it all and self made. I knew he was doing it tough, anyone in wholesale or retail right now would make more money just shutting the doors.

But yeah, had the boat,Porsche, Audi RS4...god I loved that car. Penthouses.....all gone.

Liquidators are king once again it would seem. Rothchilds and co will be making a killing.

Poor bastard though. I've been there. Lost it all once with a house fire. Again with a bad business buy and lastly again .... farken real estate.

Nothing material and very few people are worth your life.

I live in a resort town. We all surf, get stoned and play golf. And you wonder why I am mad ? fark what a life. Fools even pay me to ride motorbikes. So in reality...I know nothing. Kinda only the weather and surf conditions shange here ???? what

I watch the news. I read the papers.

All I here is yahoo look at all the money to be made in mining..... Great?

Even in my little fifedom of paradise we have had a few cafes close. A damm good restaurant and a bike shop. Darrel Lea went under this week ???

We ducked and weaved the GFC but I think the farker has splat us good right on the ass now. Same as 29. Took four years for that collapse to really have an affect on unemployment and thus the amount of homeless.

And that is where I am seeing a huge increase. I don't do much charity. Would like to do more....ha but like the rest of us I end up haing fun and feeling ill instead of helping and feeling good. It does you knwo and you do have a funny time out there. A mate runs a homeless youth organisation. I more go in and have a coffee with him. But if I am bored and he is doing something I will tag along.

Sorry waffling :)

The amount of young homeless men is really pretty scary. Not talking bums here. You and me's. No job, wifes had enough and ousted them. It just snowballs and you soon feel your not good enough for anyone or anything.

Sorry a bit heavy for a sunday morning. Don't ever think your alone though. Or be too humiliated by your loss to front your mates, or ask for help.

Mates are mates for the laugh, the kinship and comadre. Were mates cause you put up with my shoite. And cause your a top bloke.

Fark the buck, don't ever let it hang your head in shame

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sh*t man no good. He'll get there with a mate like you. Just don't get him too stoned lol. Audi RS4..what a machine..

But yes unemployment is going up and up, and if it isn't right now..Gillard's doing a damn good job of trying to make it happen! Like I say..someone needs to shoot her. Whole country would be way better off without her and her jar jar binks ears.

No one should ever feel bad asking for help, be it while working, or jump start a car, or financially. Don't ask for help it's not getting to fix itself..

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Very upsetting to hear about your mate.

Lifes to short we should all enjoy it no matter what. Money doesn't make one happy either! All it creates is jealously, when at the end of the day we leave with noting.

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