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Tying to deside which full Adidas track suit matchs his bumbag.

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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So after writing get 5 point were banned for how long.. or forever ?

Sent from that ghey taptalk thingo from my ghey galaxy s3 coz the forum won't let me full view anymore

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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How and who decides these things... is it like a court.... can we get judged by a jury if our peers ... I think it should be coz if murderers get a second chance I think we all should

Sent from that ghey taptalk thingo from my ghey galaxy s3 coz the forum won't let me full view anymore

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The Mods decide.

You guys get 5 chances before you're banned. That's plenty IMO.

There are cases where we'll go straight to a ban if the member is a spammer, a duplicate account (the regular account normally gets banned too) or if they've joined up just to stir sh*t.

You can apply to have your current warnings reduced 6 months after you received the last warning.

Suspensions can be handed out at anytime if a warning isn't considered severe enough.

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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Don't get your pink fluffy knickers in a knot staino ....

On a side not. . Been playing cod on ps3 and starting to get alright at it... played a free for all just then and came third with 19 kills and 14 deaths.... only been playing 2 weeks on ps3 ... go me Hahahah

Sent from that ghey taptalk thingo from my ghey galaxy s3 coz the forum won't let me full view anymore

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At the end of the day you mods hae your own say, I just see it as this he donates and supports the forum heaps.

I have never met him(pazz) but we have chatted online and he does contribute to helping others and pointing in the right direction as I only see this from my side of the computer.

Im very diplomatic when it comes to posting replying and if I can help someone well that's me taking part in a discussion on a public forum.

If I and others wanted to cause trouble on the forum would be worse, all I say is that mods should pm there members who are out of line and posts that have been deleted should hae a reason why not just a physically delete that way the mods don't look bad and only fair to all.

Just look at everyone from all states not just Vic, they catch up with each other as friendships are formed all with the same interests in these models as that what counts.

Like I said not taking sides but it is a great informative forum if it wasn't for the donators this forum wouln't have the support .... but look at your donators and look at those who just join and don't support - that's what must be looked.

Keep up the good work mods.

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I assume you're talking about Pazzo when you say "he"?

Pazzo hasn't been banned and he won't be banned while he's behaving himself, which he's managed to do just fine since his last warning.

In any case donating to the site doesn't protect you from it's rules.

Personally, I don't bother sending a PM after deleting some trivial post. If there's a major clean up of a thread I'll post in the thread so everyone is aware of what has happened and what we expect from people from that point on.

I know there's a group that complains about the Mods here, but at the end of the day there's not many people that have gotten in severe trouble. Yes, we delete a few posts here and there and the odd warning gets handed out, but very few people get banned in the scheme of things. The 2 that got banned for street racing talk were give heaps of chances to stop and chose not to. They can't complain about it now.

There's other car forums that will ban you straight off the bat. I know people that have been banned from AFF after making one post. :blink:

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