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Guest XR09
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How many jobs have you had?... :huh:


Right now I have two Aus post contracts.5 days a week.

One company still going with a mate doing fiber optics splicing. Usually a month away a couple of times a year. He is in Lao at the mo.

And not instructing this year as I tboned a Bewah last Jan and caused a bit more damage than thought. Lawyers are settling that one :) losing my trade for the last twelve years an all.

Also a chef and work two to three arvo's a week doing prep and menu's for catering compamy.

I have to rentals depreciating faster than quicksand. An X from a very wealthy family and two daughters in a private school. I am still gasping for air working sixty hours a week @ fifty. @ thirty five I was sitting back on the boat thinking I had retiring at fifty nailed ha ha ha

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