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  • Tampon inserted, Auto Acquired, next purchase a new handbag
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I cant remember. But I got it on the beans and none on the frank lol.

Was pretty pissed

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You can buy many things with that sort of money, if you do win all I want is a C63 please! Promise me you could do me this one favour and I will do so back if I win!

I didn't win tonight :( Pazz how did you go? Please tell us you won!

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  • Thooperrrrrrr
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For the non WA-ers still interested:

My Liberty:


Things to note in the pics I took of the air intake. I circled and drew some things on there. The down arrow is where that random pipe was sitting, the left arrow is where they put the intake with a speaker mesh over the end to filter the air somewhat, and the circle is where it attached to the airbox. The McDonalds cup is just a load of wtf.

They sealed my airbox shut with something, not sure what it is but it's solid.

Removed my rear speakers and double din deck, along with the ignition barrell (they had the keys so wtf? probably dumped it somewhere, someone saw it and said score and took it) also removed all the trim in the front of the car.

Unplugged my brake lights and electric mirrors..

Not sure what was at the front, but I think it was the air conditioning? In the pics you'll see some unconnected cables and a big gap infront of radiator. That where the air con was?

Broke drivers door mirror and took battery from engine so cant wind up windows or anything.

There was a random broken fan in the boot along with some rubber lining from another boot.

Rest of the pics are just the damage that was done to the body of the car and the spoiler holes from where they removed it.

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  • I see a red door and I want to paint it black
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Mate that's proper butchered, hate to see any car in that state.

morning all

not looking forward to today at all

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