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  • Turboless
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Hahahah far out xr09 lmao. Poor bitches hahah

Don't have to be old for the cameras fluff. Prior to be diagnosed with crohns I had both cameras done at 18, Aug '08. Don't have to be old for a cathader (spelling) either. When I fell off the roof cos I fkd my kidney I had one. Except they took it out then decided it still needed it. Fmd they are not fun..

Then had a stent removed weeks later at outpatients by a female doc while awake. Up the old fella, was more worried I'd crack a fat in her hand hahahaha

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  • Skid Machine
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I had an ultrasound on my balls when I was about 19. The nurse was in her mid 20's, very attractive and she covered my balls in warming gel and put the vibrating ultrasound thing on em. I was so worried about cracking a fat but it was all good in the end.

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Guest XR09
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3 of them were nurses from Mona Vale hospital. Ya woulda thought they would have kept it together. Ha Trudy did. My lady's older sister.

And while a I say a tub. it's about 1m x 1m square that you shower in. Kinda. No sides or curtains. So there might have been a bit of overspray for humour purposes.

ha ha and I would have got a fat. Just to embarress her. Like ya playing with my balls ... what do you expect

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dam warm liquid and female hands that would of only ended one way ........................................to my advantage free wristie and chuck up where is this golden hospital u talk of

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  • Skid Machine
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Would have loved one Jet. Would have made a great fantasy. It was at Werribee hospital.

Plenty of hot nurses there. Well at least they looked hot after a couple of ml of morphine.

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  • I <3 Floods
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Haha I remember being in hospital and getting all the student nurses after getting my nose and cheek broken in a break in.. I did rather embellish the story to make me appear slightly more heroic.. But it could've been the pain killers talking..

Sorry to hear about your old lady fluff.. My grandmother died of bowel cancer and my old man and I have both had sections taken out to try and stop it spreading (didn't work for him he left it to late).. Definitely not a pleasant thing for your family.. Doesn't mean that much coming from strangers on the net but all the best to your family.

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  • I see a red door and I want to paint it black
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rb you got lucky, my ball ultrasound when I was 20 was by a dude.

took about half hour and I spotted it twice on the screen (used to do ultrasound a bit) so I started getting suss. Ended up doing it myself and showing the dude it on his screen, also saved me coin on a visit to the doc for the results.

ps. still got a fat

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